I got my ass out of work as early as possible to meet up with my date. We walked down to a pier where we heard a woman yelling for some guy on a boat. He was oblivious. Eventually, she did catch his attention. I took video, but unfortunately you can't hear her talking about Bob (or whatever his name was) sailing off into the sunset. So instead here are a few pictures:

After we realized there wasn't anywhere that served non shellfish dishes, we headed inland and ended up at a cute little Italian place. I had butternut squash ravioli in a nutmeg cream sauce. MMMMMM! He said I was cheating and having dinner and dessert at the same time. He was just jealous.
We went back to his place after dinner and just chilled. We watched a few episodes of what not to wear and teased each other about going on the show.
I eventually curled up in his bed because I was freezing. He joined me and we cuddled. It didn't feel forced or a cover for either party wanting more. And then he bit my ear, talk about a hot and bothered button for me. That just let to naughty things, but more importantly I got all the gentle kisses, caresses and cuddles I could handle. I can't ask for more than that. Unfortunately, the next morning I threw up. I left after that because I just needed to be home. I choose to blame that we stayed up most of the night, which is my fault because when I really like someone, I don't want to go to sleep. I feel like I'll miss out.
I'm sad I didn't spend more time with him because this particular boy lives far far away and I don't get to see him often and he is my favorite. We've discussed things but a relationship isn't possible, at least not now.
But, the best part of this whole situation is that he still talks to me. I get really cute texts and IMs and phone calls. He makes me smile every day, like big goofy grins that I'm sure leaves the rest of the world wondering.