My cold is still rampaging, but it has moved onto my sinuses. This I actually have lots of experience with and can handle. I love Advil Cold and Sinus. Really, it's the only medicine I take (although recently I've developed a fondness for Coldeeze). I spent a good portion of the day in bed. I watched "The Man Who Cried." It was interesting because I didn't realize what it was about but then got happy when I realized it was WWII stuff. Why that fascinates me, I don't know.
I picked up left over alcohol, a set of glasses, a Frank McCourt book and Koleeta's new coffee table from unravled and mistersatan's place. I'm sad they're moving.
I came home and watched more of "Scrubs," Season 1. Thank goodness it keeps me entertained. I then went out to get more food. This cold is making me ravenously hungry. As I was leaving the boy roommate asked where I was going. I told him and remarked, "This cold is going to make me gain 15 pounds." He laughed and said I could use it. It was a bit of a back handed compliment but it made me laugh and not feel so gross.
I don't know if I want to go to work tomorrow but I need the money and I have a buttload of shit to do. I should have done some of it today but I just didn't feel up to it. Being sick like this is hard because I want someone (RS would be perfect) to take care of me and alas I spent the day alone. It makes me miss what I had. Damnit.
Joe has agreed to help me get the dresser from Ikea. I love that boy. He's too nice. Lately I can't stop touching him. I mean, I touched him a lot before but now I just want to feel all the lines of his body. Stupid muscles. Anywho, he's a super nice guy and I hope he gets a girlfriend soon. He's too good to be single this long.
Don't forget Karaoke Saturday, 9 p.m., PV Bowl in Torrance. Check out the Hook-up Board or SGLBC for more information.
I picked up left over alcohol, a set of glasses, a Frank McCourt book and Koleeta's new coffee table from unravled and mistersatan's place. I'm sad they're moving.
I came home and watched more of "Scrubs," Season 1. Thank goodness it keeps me entertained. I then went out to get more food. This cold is making me ravenously hungry. As I was leaving the boy roommate asked where I was going. I told him and remarked, "This cold is going to make me gain 15 pounds." He laughed and said I could use it. It was a bit of a back handed compliment but it made me laugh and not feel so gross.
I don't know if I want to go to work tomorrow but I need the money and I have a buttload of shit to do. I should have done some of it today but I just didn't feel up to it. Being sick like this is hard because I want someone (RS would be perfect) to take care of me and alas I spent the day alone. It makes me miss what I had. Damnit.
Joe has agreed to help me get the dresser from Ikea. I love that boy. He's too nice. Lately I can't stop touching him. I mean, I touched him a lot before but now I just want to feel all the lines of his body. Stupid muscles. Anywho, he's a super nice guy and I hope he gets a girlfriend soon. He's too good to be single this long.
Don't forget Karaoke Saturday, 9 p.m., PV Bowl in Torrance. Check out the Hook-up Board or SGLBC for more information.
I watched a shitton of terrible movies over the last few days. Good thing Swimming Pool showed up in the middle of all that crap...