I stayed home from work tonight. I had a sharp pain just below my ribs and I figured that would make it difficult to hold a tray of drink upright.
I watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" last night. It was awesome. I'm adding it to my wish list.
I hear "Dirty Dancing" is in certain theaters. I need a cute boy to take me to see it. I would love RS to take me but he hates that movie.
I watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" last night. It was awesome. I'm adding it to my wish list.
I hear "Dirty Dancing" is in certain theaters. I need a cute boy to take me to see it. I would love RS to take me but he hates that movie.
and yes, i heart alliteration. it especially comes in handy when youre verbally reaming someone.
i figure if youre going to chew someone out, might as well make it sound cool.
besides, "stupid sanctimonious sonofabitch," just kind of rolls off the tongue.