Finally, a man with my sense of humor! (It's not horribly, horribly funny, but at the very end, he totally sounds like me).
In other news, I went to a really bangin' party last night. I love play boyswhoplaywith my hair. Seriously, that relaxed me like you wouldn't believe. Thank you for making me a happy kitten. I also got to lick whip cream off a really hot girl. And, as always, my girlfriend was amazing, even if I did make her itchy and red. I'm sorry buttercup.
I signed my new lease this morning. The exciting part: I didn't need a cosigner! The even more exciting part: I get to have my carpets cleaned for signing the new lease. Apparently, it's part of the package but they hadn't told us about it before. I've been wanting to clean the carpets. This makes me happy.
RS just told me he's going to be bringing me the sideboard from his grandmother's sometime soon. I'm thinking the next two weeks, at the latest before Prom. I can hardly wait. It'll look awesome in my living room, next to the door. But whatever shall I put in it?!
Speaking of Prom, I got all the shifts covered! But I'm a little nervous. The boss' pet is the one who said she'd cover them. She's already trying to figure out what shift it will be. If it's a closing one (which it very well could be, I don't know), she'll probably back out. She already backed out of someone else's shift, which is super shitty because that girl is on vacation and went thinking all her shifts were covered. But the point of the story is, I'm fucking going to Prom! I need to find an outfit, which means I need to spend time shopping. Maybe tomorrow or next weekend.
I'm going to go clean a bit (yes, I said clean) before karaoke tonight.
In other news, I went to a really bangin' party last night. I love play boyswhoplaywith my hair. Seriously, that relaxed me like you wouldn't believe. Thank you for making me a happy kitten. I also got to lick whip cream off a really hot girl. And, as always, my girlfriend was amazing, even if I did make her itchy and red. I'm sorry buttercup.
I signed my new lease this morning. The exciting part: I didn't need a cosigner! The even more exciting part: I get to have my carpets cleaned for signing the new lease. Apparently, it's part of the package but they hadn't told us about it before. I've been wanting to clean the carpets. This makes me happy.
RS just told me he's going to be bringing me the sideboard from his grandmother's sometime soon. I'm thinking the next two weeks, at the latest before Prom. I can hardly wait. It'll look awesome in my living room, next to the door. But whatever shall I put in it?!
Speaking of Prom, I got all the shifts covered! But I'm a little nervous. The boss' pet is the one who said she'd cover them. She's already trying to figure out what shift it will be. If it's a closing one (which it very well could be, I don't know), she'll probably back out. She already backed out of someone else's shift, which is super shitty because that girl is on vacation and went thinking all her shifts were covered. But the point of the story is, I'm fucking going to Prom! I need to find an outfit, which means I need to spend time shopping. Maybe tomorrow or next weekend.
I'm going to go clean a bit (yes, I said clean) before karaoke tonight.
Nice to meet you

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