He promised to stay for awhile. He promised.
Why did "awhile" have to be so short?
Why did I have to fuck it up? Why did my stupid fucking broken brain have to fuck it up?!
We met a year ago at the April White Horse event.
Why did I have to fuck it up?
I want to go back to when I didn't talk much, a time when I could keep the craziness to myself, a time when no one knew just how broken I am.
He promised.
Why did "awhile" have to be so short?
Why did I have to fuck it up? Why did my stupid fucking broken brain have to fuck it up?!
We met a year ago at the April White Horse event.
Why did I have to fuck it up?
I want to go back to when I didn't talk much, a time when I could keep the craziness to myself, a time when no one knew just how broken I am.
He promised.
just remember there's someone that will love how crazy you are, even if you are a total fucking psycho.
I hope that helps.
If not, then just think this way, you aren't broken, you're just under construction.