A run down of my weekend. Sorry, it's long and there is but one picture.
Friday I applied to renew my lease at 9 a.m. Fuck that was just too early for me. I hate this process as well. We're trying to qualify between just my japanese roommate and I as the male roommate is moving out in June at which point my baby brother will move in.
I then headed to the Tribune for our weekly editorial meeting. The boss started going off about how the payroll is super bloated. The logical reason is we rehired the girl I replaced so I'm now out of some of my duties. She has not only added an additional person but now I spend a good deal of time sitting around, waiting. A week ago I waited for two hours before I got anything to copy edit. I later explained to my friend and coworker that I've been showing up late on purpose lately because I know they don't have anything for me to do. So the conclusion is I'll have to write a story a week. It sorta blows because I haven't written in a really long time so I'm not sure how good I am at it any more. I'm hoping it's like a bicycle.
The rest of the day there I was really sexual frustrated because my friend and coworker wore this amazingly hot sweater:
Then it was off to the restaurant where it was slower than a weeknight. I still made more than $100 but damn dude it was bad. A girl got suspended. We all got chewed out for stupid little things. They're trying new rotations which will end up fucking everyone to the point that they quit (they want to put servers either inside or outside. This means if you're inside on a nice day you'll make no money. If you're outside on a bad day, you'll make no money.).
Saturday I worked the morning shift, again it was super slow. But once I was taken off the floor it was like the place exploded. I ended up running food, making drinks and helping the other servers. I finally left. I went to Target and bought stuff for my iPod.
I then headed to see Grindhouse with the SGLA Kids. I got to see my girlfriend and went spent time cuddling in line because she was cold. The movie was excellent, although I have to say, I really, really hate zombies. Of any monster, they scare me the most. But three-quarters of the way through the movie, I couldn't breathe and my face and hands were numb and tingly (I know that doesn't make sense but that's how it was damnit!). I sorta missed the end but I had to get out of there. I didn't go to hooters with everyone else. Instead I went to RS's.
What an amazing man he is. He totally took me in and made me feel better. The second he opened the door I just crumpled into his arms and started sobbing. It was like I couldn't catch my breath. He held me and told me to calm down and match his breathing. We ended up watching "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" then going to bed. He cuddled me all night. I had forgotten what it's like to be properly cuddled. At least twice during the night I woke to him stroking my hair, cheek, jaw line, mouth with so much love. It's that behavior that makes me question not being with him. I love him so much. I love how he holds me. I love how he's my best friend (this is highlighted by the fact that I feel guilty for not telling him about everything in my life like I used to). And yet, I don't feel sexually attracted to him at all. That's my red flag. We'd be the perfect couple, except I don't want to sleep with him.
RS and I went go kart racing today in Carson. I liked it, except it was almost luck of the draw on whether or not your car went full speed. I still maintain I'd be good at racing cars. It makes me miss being able to just fly down the road in the middle of the desert with no one around. It also strangely reminded me of driving the old '79 Ford Ranger my dad had. It was my first manual. It had spongey fucking brakes, barely an engine, no turn signals and I distinctly remember kicking and dismounting the inside heater/air conditioner unit when I was about 5. I sorta miss that beater car though. It got scraped along with the '84 Toyota Tercel that was my "first" car and second manual.
OK I need food. Peace out kids.
Friday I applied to renew my lease at 9 a.m. Fuck that was just too early for me. I hate this process as well. We're trying to qualify between just my japanese roommate and I as the male roommate is moving out in June at which point my baby brother will move in.
I then headed to the Tribune for our weekly editorial meeting. The boss started going off about how the payroll is super bloated. The logical reason is we rehired the girl I replaced so I'm now out of some of my duties. She has not only added an additional person but now I spend a good deal of time sitting around, waiting. A week ago I waited for two hours before I got anything to copy edit. I later explained to my friend and coworker that I've been showing up late on purpose lately because I know they don't have anything for me to do. So the conclusion is I'll have to write a story a week. It sorta blows because I haven't written in a really long time so I'm not sure how good I am at it any more. I'm hoping it's like a bicycle.
The rest of the day there I was really sexual frustrated because my friend and coworker wore this amazingly hot sweater:

Then it was off to the restaurant where it was slower than a weeknight. I still made more than $100 but damn dude it was bad. A girl got suspended. We all got chewed out for stupid little things. They're trying new rotations which will end up fucking everyone to the point that they quit (they want to put servers either inside or outside. This means if you're inside on a nice day you'll make no money. If you're outside on a bad day, you'll make no money.).
Saturday I worked the morning shift, again it was super slow. But once I was taken off the floor it was like the place exploded. I ended up running food, making drinks and helping the other servers. I finally left. I went to Target and bought stuff for my iPod.
I then headed to see Grindhouse with the SGLA Kids. I got to see my girlfriend and went spent time cuddling in line because she was cold. The movie was excellent, although I have to say, I really, really hate zombies. Of any monster, they scare me the most. But three-quarters of the way through the movie, I couldn't breathe and my face and hands were numb and tingly (I know that doesn't make sense but that's how it was damnit!). I sorta missed the end but I had to get out of there. I didn't go to hooters with everyone else. Instead I went to RS's.
What an amazing man he is. He totally took me in and made me feel better. The second he opened the door I just crumpled into his arms and started sobbing. It was like I couldn't catch my breath. He held me and told me to calm down and match his breathing. We ended up watching "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" then going to bed. He cuddled me all night. I had forgotten what it's like to be properly cuddled. At least twice during the night I woke to him stroking my hair, cheek, jaw line, mouth with so much love. It's that behavior that makes me question not being with him. I love him so much. I love how he holds me. I love how he's my best friend (this is highlighted by the fact that I feel guilty for not telling him about everything in my life like I used to). And yet, I don't feel sexually attracted to him at all. That's my red flag. We'd be the perfect couple, except I don't want to sleep with him.
RS and I went go kart racing today in Carson. I liked it, except it was almost luck of the draw on whether or not your car went full speed. I still maintain I'd be good at racing cars. It makes me miss being able to just fly down the road in the middle of the desert with no one around. It also strangely reminded me of driving the old '79 Ford Ranger my dad had. It was my first manual. It had spongey fucking brakes, barely an engine, no turn signals and I distinctly remember kicking and dismounting the inside heater/air conditioner unit when I was about 5. I sorta miss that beater car though. It got scraped along with the '84 Toyota Tercel that was my "first" car and second manual.
OK I need food. Peace out kids.
PS. wear something slutty.