What a shitty fucking day.
First I had a dental appointment at 8:15 a.m. which meant I got up at like 7 a.m., although I woke up with RS at like 5 a.m. We cuddled for a bit and it was awesome.
But then we broke up about two hours ago. This hurts. I'm more upset because I love him but know this is the best option for us. We're just too different, as he says. He wants to be closed, I want to be open.
If you'll excuse me, I'm going back to bed to cry some more until my best friend gets here to take me drinking or something.
First I had a dental appointment at 8:15 a.m. which meant I got up at like 7 a.m., although I woke up with RS at like 5 a.m. We cuddled for a bit and it was awesome.
But then we broke up about two hours ago. This hurts. I'm more upset because I love him but know this is the best option for us. We're just too different, as he says. He wants to be closed, I want to be open.
If you'll excuse me, I'm going back to bed to cry some more until my best friend gets here to take me drinking or something.
Let me know if you want to hang out and we can try to keep each other's minds busy.