Update at bottom
I have a problem.
One of my customers, a gentleman of 70, comes in every weekend, sometimes alone, sometimes with a friend and the friend's wife. Lately he, the friend and the wife have been coming in with a young eastern European couple and the older couple's adult son.
A couple weeks ago the married guy asked, "If we went to theatre, would you be interested in going?" I said sure, I love theatre. A week went by, he tells me, "We're going to see Phantom of the Opera, I'll have Matt [single old guy] call you and work out the details."
Matt calls me last Tuesday (even though he said he'd call me Sunday) on my way to work. He says he's embarrassed for having called. I'm thinking because he's breaking the waitress/customer barrier. We talk about what nights I'm not working and he says, "I'll call you and let you know what night we have our double date with Dave and his wife," then hangs up. I'm stunned. I didn't realize this was a date. I'm at least glad it's a double date so I'm not completely alone.
Any who, I didn't answer when he calls me to say it's set up for this Thursday. I'm super busy, but he came in Saturday (after calling me Thursday, while I'm at work asking when I'm working next so he can come in to talk). I casually mention my boyfriend hoping he'll get the hint then he says something like, "Are you getting a note to go out with us?" So I realize he's joking. He says everyone is going to dinner before hand but he doesn't know any details. I tell him I'm not working Sunday so he can call me. He calls but doesn't have any info so I tell him call me Tuesday night. Not even half an hour later he calls back to ask for a copy of a play review I did over the weekend.
He's called me twice so far today. I'm sorta upset about the situation. I don't like being harassed. I don't like that I'm feeling uncomfortable. RS is starting to get really upset because I'm so upset. I just don't know what to do. The group is nice, Matt is nice, but damn, I don't know if this is OK. I'm a little creeped out. I should have asked if I could take RS with me because he likes theatre as well (and even if he doesn't, I'm sure he'd be happy to pretend for my sake).
Any advice?
Dude called me four times today, I call him back, he didn't answer! If I don't hear from him RS and I will do something fun.
I have a problem.
One of my customers, a gentleman of 70, comes in every weekend, sometimes alone, sometimes with a friend and the friend's wife. Lately he, the friend and the wife have been coming in with a young eastern European couple and the older couple's adult son.
A couple weeks ago the married guy asked, "If we went to theatre, would you be interested in going?" I said sure, I love theatre. A week went by, he tells me, "We're going to see Phantom of the Opera, I'll have Matt [single old guy] call you and work out the details."
Matt calls me last Tuesday (even though he said he'd call me Sunday) on my way to work. He says he's embarrassed for having called. I'm thinking because he's breaking the waitress/customer barrier. We talk about what nights I'm not working and he says, "I'll call you and let you know what night we have our double date with Dave and his wife," then hangs up. I'm stunned. I didn't realize this was a date. I'm at least glad it's a double date so I'm not completely alone.
Any who, I didn't answer when he calls me to say it's set up for this Thursday. I'm super busy, but he came in Saturday (after calling me Thursday, while I'm at work asking when I'm working next so he can come in to talk). I casually mention my boyfriend hoping he'll get the hint then he says something like, "Are you getting a note to go out with us?" So I realize he's joking. He says everyone is going to dinner before hand but he doesn't know any details. I tell him I'm not working Sunday so he can call me. He calls but doesn't have any info so I tell him call me Tuesday night. Not even half an hour later he calls back to ask for a copy of a play review I did over the weekend.
He's called me twice so far today. I'm sorta upset about the situation. I don't like being harassed. I don't like that I'm feeling uncomfortable. RS is starting to get really upset because I'm so upset. I just don't know what to do. The group is nice, Matt is nice, but damn, I don't know if this is OK. I'm a little creeped out. I should have asked if I could take RS with me because he likes theatre as well (and even if he doesn't, I'm sure he'd be happy to pretend for my sake).
Any advice?
Dude called me four times today, I call him back, he didn't answer! If I don't hear from him RS and I will do something fun.
Ummm...I just always find it weird when 70 year olds think they have something to offer us!
ooh boy. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.