the comment you left on my video made me laugh smile
What's up? A lot happening. Not really had a lot of time to visit. Hopefully soon I'm going to have a career change. I hate change but things must change, I want them to be an EXTREME change. ARRR!!!
Holy crap. Once again, it's been months since I've been here on SG. I'm so ashamed of myself. Time to say hi the favs and hello to the new.
It's been so long since I've been on, that I had forgotten my password. Wow, I didn't know it had been that long. How's everyone doing?
me too hahahaha stupid myspace
I'm trying to start the new year out right. I may go ahead and accept an offer to play bass guitar in a local metal band. There's alot of things I want to do this year. It's up to ME to make it happen!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!
This year is already flying by. If there's anyone cool that is on here often and like to strike up a conversation, give me a email.
Hope everybody had a great Christmas. New Year's coming up!!! Don't drink and drive. You might spill your drink. Hey Luci!! Hey Rambo!! Oh, President Ford is dead. One of the best Prez we've had.
I'm sick. This sucks!!! mad ARRR!!! ARRR!!!
What's going on with this site? I went to look at my favorite SG's and they're gone. It won't even let me put them back!! Someone tell Missy the site is messing up. I'll try to reach her myself but I don't know it this will let me. Seems to be alot of lag too. I'll give it some time and try again. mad mad ARRR!!!
Well, I didn't have to work my overtime last night after all. I went in and they asked me if I wanted to go home. I said, "Hell yeah!" Now I've got the weekend to work. I got my little nephew his Christmas present a while ago. I got him a blue camo tent and sleeping bag so he can camp out this summer. (unless...
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missed ya! kiss

sorry i suck at keeping in touch.

how are you, sweetie?