I'm in semi charmed kinda disbelief and total excitement. but I've started the process of arrainging an appointment with a fan freakin-tastic tattoo artist from Edmonton
who also happens to be a member of this site. FIVETWO
He'll be coming to Toronto in the near future and I just e-mailed him to set shit up! I'm so very very very excited.
I can't wait (I'm gonna get a crazy insect sleeve with venus fly traps and japaneezie blossoms) natural beauty meets the natural chaos of this... mass garden carnage.
I'm beside myself. YEAH! (starting to save now)
That's been a total surprise and happy moment now
bringing it down to last week which kinda actually
Blew fuckin chunks.
July 15th...
The <quote><end quote> boyfriend...
...who in his own defence is out east visiting with his bf...
forgets my birthday for the second year in a row.
(we've been together for the last five years give or take)
Needless to say I wasn't all chipper bubblie-bubblie eno about it!
I'm a whole quater century...
I go to shows and kinda start feelin like the older folk.
I go for smokes they don't id me... I don't have a sweet ass body like I did when I was 16...
and this <ahem> boyfriend isn't even fuckin me... hasn't in about 6 months.... my question to him... WHY? His answer he hasn't got the drive anymore. No lust. Fire. Steam. Five years is too long to ask for a fun fuck.
This is driving me to murder.
I am so incredible frusterated mad fuckin angry I wanna tear shit appart.
I went three years without for the first three years (his choice not mine)
and now
a) forgets my birthday for the second time
b) not getting fucked when I could be getting fucked
by someone who actually care and semi charmed kinda
lust's me. (and I wanna fuck back tho he's a good friend)
c) ...what the fuck am I thinking telling myself it's gonna get better... this is rock fuckin bottom.
I'm suffering another dry spell and I'm fuckin sick of it.
I'm in semi charmed kinda disbelief and total excitement. but I've started the process of arrainging an appointment with a fan freakin-tastic tattoo artist from Edmonton
who also happens to be a member of this site. FIVETWO
He'll be coming to Toronto in the near future and I just e-mailed him to set shit up! I'm so very very very excited.
I can't wait (I'm gonna get a crazy insect sleeve with venus fly traps and japaneezie blossoms) natural beauty meets the natural chaos of this... mass garden carnage.
I'm beside myself. YEAH! (starting to save now)
That's been a total surprise and happy moment now
bringing it down to last week which kinda actually
Blew fuckin chunks.
July 15th...
The <quote><end quote> boyfriend...
...who in his own defence is out east visiting with his bf...
forgets my birthday for the second year in a row.
(we've been together for the last five years give or take)
Needless to say I wasn't all chipper bubblie-bubblie eno about it!
I'm a whole quater century...
I go to shows and kinda start feelin like the older folk.
I go for smokes they don't id me... I don't have a sweet ass body like I did when I was 16...
and this <ahem> boyfriend isn't even fuckin me... hasn't in about 6 months.... my question to him... WHY? His answer he hasn't got the drive anymore. No lust. Fire. Steam. Five years is too long to ask for a fun fuck.
This is driving me to murder.
I am so incredible frusterated mad fuckin angry I wanna tear shit appart.
I went three years without for the first three years (his choice not mine)
and now
a) forgets my birthday for the second time
b) not getting fucked when I could be getting fucked
by someone who actually care and semi charmed kinda
lust's me. (and I wanna fuck back tho he's a good friend)
c) ...what the fuck am I thinking telling myself it's gonna get better... this is rock fuckin bottom.
I'm suffering another dry spell and I'm fuckin sick of it.