I'm sort of a "Happiness is bouncing the rubble." type of person so when I say I've had enough with the shooting people, it's roughly like Snoop Dogg saying he's smoked too much weed.
So.... I have an idea. Let's get the U.N. or somebody to sponsor an international "Nobody shoots anybody day". I, for one, could use a fucking break.
It might seem like...
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So.... I have an idea. Let's get the U.N. or somebody to sponsor an international "Nobody shoots anybody day". I, for one, could use a fucking break.
It might seem like...
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It was a very sad day when that happened. I just don't see how some kid could think that killing a bunch of people that he probable never met would make all thing right with the universe
Software developers are fuckheads. Okay, not all software developers are fuckheads. It just feels that way sometimes.
Seriously, would it kill you to learn a little bit of math? Maybe just a little about Binomial Coefficients or maybe even just how to count permutations so I don't have to go all the way back to grade school multiplication and division to explain the Poisson distribution...
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Seriously, would it kill you to learn a little bit of math? Maybe just a little about Binomial Coefficients or maybe even just how to count permutations so I don't have to go all the way back to grade school multiplication and division to explain the Poisson distribution...
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oh I see. A snob then? I've met about million of those back in college. They were usually fresh from high school though.
I don't know what your excuse is.
I don't know what your excuse is.
holy fuck that was awesome 
I dunno that I would have been quite that incensed overall ... but I feel your pain.

I dunno that I would have been quite that incensed overall ... but I feel your pain.
This is your official Pi-day update.
I'm in the middle of finals and should be studying. I have an Analysis(math) final today around 2:30. Then industrial organizations(econ) tomorrow at 8:30. Then it's a mad scramble to get stuff done because...
Friday morning we fly out to Greece. The Missus and I have always wanted to go but there a confluence of money,childcare,and time off that...
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I'm in the middle of finals and should be studying. I have an Analysis(math) final today around 2:30. Then industrial organizations(econ) tomorrow at 8:30. Then it's a mad scramble to get stuff done because...
Friday morning we fly out to Greece. The Missus and I have always wanted to go but there a confluence of money,childcare,and time off that...
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Good luck on your finals. I really hate and really suck at math.
Wow I would love to go to Greece, I've been to Italy but that was like over 7 years ago.
Wow I would love to go to Greece, I've been to Italy but that was like over 7 years ago.
I just finished the Illiad for a class. Being young father, big, hairy, and such, I identified with Hector. Now I want to go to Hellespont and piss on Achilles grave.
then why don't you do that

Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more, or fill the wall up with our English dead.
Um, or something like that. School starts up again tomorrow. I'm going full time this quarter and pulled back to half time at work. I took an insanely great class this summer called "Discrete Mathematical Modelling". It's making me question my current focus on theoretical math. Oh...
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Um, or something like that. School starts up again tomorrow. I'm going full time this quarter and pulled back to half time at work. I took an insanely great class this summer called "Discrete Mathematical Modelling". It's making me question my current focus on theoretical math. Oh...
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I hate math, I'm no good at it at all.
I had no idea you were married and had kids.
Wow that sure was a lot of stuff to do, glad it all came together just fine.
I had no idea you were married and had kids.
Wow that sure was a lot of stuff to do, glad it all came together just fine.
Shake and Bake!
If you love stupid movies like I do, go see Talledega Nights. They don't come much stupider that that. This quarter's nearly over. So, that's working out well.
My EVE Online addiction is raging.
If you love stupid movies like I do, go see Talledega Nights. They don't come much stupider that that. This quarter's nearly over. So, that's working out well.
My EVE Online addiction is raging.
That is a great story, I hope you told it to her to.
You don't have to be religious, just send positive thought, I do believe that if enough positive thoughts are sent her way things will get good.
Please remember to send her good thoughts ever day. An hr after I put up my journal Hope's set went up and I'm taking that as a sign that there is still hope, how could that not be a sign?
You don't have to be religious, just send positive thought, I do believe that if enough positive thoughts are sent her way things will get good.
Please remember to send her good thoughts ever day. An hr after I put up my journal Hope's set went up and I'm taking that as a sign that there is still hope, how could that not be a sign?
This is Miss Kris, the girl from my journal, please remember to send her good thought, and pray to whatever god it is you pray to.

I've been busy with school and work but thought I'd mention that I work about a block from where the Seattle shooting was today. It was a little wierd just because of the number of emergency vehicles flying around and how messed up it was trying to get out of downtown. Other than that, there's not much to report. It's odd to be able to...
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That is really sad, do you know why he shoot those people.

If you see a big, hairy, Irish-looking guy walking towards you with a determined look on his face, you'd better run, mother fucker.
If you're not a photographer who's had a crappy set go up recently, you can probably relax.
Just to clarify, one SG complained about the quality of the set in her journal. A tip for the other photog. If you're going...
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If you're not a photographer who's had a crappy set go up recently, you can probably relax.
Just to clarify, one SG complained about the quality of the set in her journal. A tip for the other photog. If you're going...
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what do you mean by that?
also.... intrigued.... i guess would be the word.... i know better than to cross Roy Keane... that's for certain...
So probably aught to update. Let's see the quarter's over. Next quarter should be fun.
A while ago, I started a new job. I'm a software geek. Anyway, my prior employer was a really big company that has an office in the Seattle area (not that one). Anyway, I had a hard time with how they developed software, so I left to go work for...
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A while ago, I started a new job. I'm a software geek. Anyway, my prior employer was a really big company that has an office in the Seattle area (not that one). Anyway, I had a hard time with how they developed software, so I left to go work for...
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how goes it?
My wife just flushed 20 awesome points down the toilet.
--- UPDATE ---
I should say why. Complete hysterics because there was something wrong with the cable that threatened her ability to watch the Oscars tonight.
Being that it's out of character for her to watch television let alone get upset about missing a program her behavior tonight was, well, strange.
--- UPDATE ---
I should say why. Complete hysterics because there was something wrong with the cable that threatened her ability to watch the Oscars tonight.
Being that it's out of character for her to watch television let alone get upset about missing a program her behavior tonight was, well, strange.
so you are more right wing than me!
who nu?!
The extreme left meets the extreme right at Camp Islamofascism. They all have their differences but they agree on one thing:
they all believe each other's filth about "ZOG" and see Bush as a prime exponent of it.
So you get Cindy Sheehan saying "No War For Israel", then you get the National Socialist Party of America praising her and you get laothsome cunts like Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi bridging the gap.
Meanwhile the whole Bush Phobia syndrome strengthens and encourages the enemy.
Imagine how we would feel if prominent voices from the Arab and Muslim world were queuing up to go on Al Jazeera to slag off Bin Laden and offer their solidarity with us on the war on terror.
We would feel that we were making headway, that we were winning.
And that is EXACTLY how Al Qaeda must feel every time there is some lamearsed New York Times expose on how evil Bush is for monitoring calls between Al Qaeda terrorists and sleepers in the States.
This is no time to show disharmony or weakness,
Those that do, ultimately value their own silly, half-baked political prejudice over the freedoms we have come to value and treasure.
Shit - I don't like Bush that much and I'm no Christian, but this is no time to be squabbling.
Islamists declared war on us, long before 911.
Qutbism & the Muslim Brotherhood blended the Koran with Stalinism and Fascism and came up with islamism - and a plan to turn Planet Earth into a Sharia Wonderland.
Islamists have no basic morality. They honestly believe ANYTHING is permissable in the fight to establish this goal. They believe the planet as we know it is a fake reality and that anything they do to change it is god's will.
We are up against the hugest, best armed, best trained, best funded, most amoral death cult the world has ever seen.
We can fight it on some levels - cut off its funding, block its ability to communicate, but we all need to be on board.
It's serious stuff and goes beyond party politics and personalities.
One day the peaceniks, whiners, anarchists, liberals - even the Neo-nazis will wake up to this. But by then it may be too late.
Still, on the bright side....er...
who nu?!
The extreme left meets the extreme right at Camp Islamofascism. They all have their differences but they agree on one thing:
they all believe each other's filth about "ZOG" and see Bush as a prime exponent of it.
So you get Cindy Sheehan saying "No War For Israel", then you get the National Socialist Party of America praising her and you get laothsome cunts like Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi bridging the gap.
Meanwhile the whole Bush Phobia syndrome strengthens and encourages the enemy.
Imagine how we would feel if prominent voices from the Arab and Muslim world were queuing up to go on Al Jazeera to slag off Bin Laden and offer their solidarity with us on the war on terror.
We would feel that we were making headway, that we were winning.
And that is EXACTLY how Al Qaeda must feel every time there is some lamearsed New York Times expose on how evil Bush is for monitoring calls between Al Qaeda terrorists and sleepers in the States.
This is no time to show disharmony or weakness,
Those that do, ultimately value their own silly, half-baked political prejudice over the freedoms we have come to value and treasure.
Shit - I don't like Bush that much and I'm no Christian, but this is no time to be squabbling.
Islamists declared war on us, long before 911.
Qutbism & the Muslim Brotherhood blended the Koran with Stalinism and Fascism and came up with islamism - and a plan to turn Planet Earth into a Sharia Wonderland.
Islamists have no basic morality. They honestly believe ANYTHING is permissable in the fight to establish this goal. They believe the planet as we know it is a fake reality and that anything they do to change it is god's will.
We are up against the hugest, best armed, best trained, best funded, most amoral death cult the world has ever seen.
We can fight it on some levels - cut off its funding, block its ability to communicate, but we all need to be on board.
It's serious stuff and goes beyond party politics and personalities.
One day the peaceniks, whiners, anarchists, liberals - even the Neo-nazis will wake up to this. But by then it may be too late.
Still, on the bright side....er...
Thank you very much, I hear she is doing a little better now, I guess we will just have to see how it goes.
Yes the job is not to bad, but when we have a live race there its going to be crazy, that place is going to be so full and I know lots of shit will fuck up. Its a really popular racetrack; I found out today that some of the movie Sea Biscuit was filmed there.
Yes the job is not to bad, but when we have a live race there its going to be crazy, that place is going to be so full and I know lots of shit will fuck up. Its a really popular racetrack; I found out today that some of the movie Sea Biscuit was filmed there.