I guess I can stop putting in the date 'cause it already does it for you....heh. I joined the NOFX 7" of the month club and am one of the first 3000 so I get coloured vinyl! yay! The only downside is I paid $100 CDN for an album's worth of songs but, I GOT COLOURED VINYL. Just have to get my record player working now. School was ok....I think I did well on my cultural diversity test. I get my video card tomorrow. Just gotta wait for the rest of the computer to get here. I am procrastinating on a my 2nd presentation review ....oh well.
Oh fuck you joined that?!?! I was thinking ab00t it but backed down. Ill just wait till someone rips them to mp3's
[Edited on Jan 19, 2005 7:06PM]