Have I Mentioned That I Hate School?
PLEASE, someone wave the magic thesis wand and make it all be done! I cannot imagine what ever possessed me to become an English major and abandon my wonderful Chemistry studies
I mean, I hate writing papers...no, no wait...I would rather have someone cut the tips of my fingers off with bolt-cutters than write a paper. I find it extremely hard to concentrate when all I want to do is clean and decorate my house, Christmas shop, and sleep.
Somebody give me a cyber-kick in the pants!
PLEASE, someone wave the magic thesis wand and make it all be done! I cannot imagine what ever possessed me to become an English major and abandon my wonderful Chemistry studies

Somebody give me a cyber-kick in the pants!

That sounds like imagery. Let's discuss your use of poetic terminology. How about a short essay analyzing that language. hahahahaha Yay I'm glad I'm done with the degree. Now I just torture young ones to write.
Speaking of which, I'd send your resume in! If you're still looking for January, that is. Call me if you're thinking about it. I'll tell you who to address it to, etc.
'Hope you got K&I's note in the mail! Phone number is inside!
You're almost done... hang in there!!! I am sending you good finals karma!