A Birthday Message From Gamma
Yes, today is my birthday, and as I sit here eating birthday cake for breakfast and watching the Today show, I have to ponder what stupidity I'm in store for in this next year of my life. The Today show ran a story about Walmart putting the "Christmas" back in the holidays. Now it's true that I thought the story about gear engaging devices for cars was a waste of good news time, but they have hit a new low with this story. Who cares about whether your friendly Walmart greeter is going to wish you "Merry Christmas," "Happy Channukah," or "Happy Kwanza?" I mean is this the level we've stooped to? Are we so obssessed with being politically correct that we've lost sight of simple human kindness? I personally feel that, yeah, you should get the "Happy Holidays" greeting at your local store so as not to exclude shoppers celebrating other holidays. However, I don't feel that this is worthy of getting front page headlines, or a lengthy discussion on the Today show. And I'm certainly not going to become disrespectful to a person who takes the time to wish me a "Merry Christmas."
If any of you feeling like wishing me something other than "Happy Birthday" today I promise I won't be offended
Yes, today is my birthday, and as I sit here eating birthday cake for breakfast and watching the Today show, I have to ponder what stupidity I'm in store for in this next year of my life. The Today show ran a story about Walmart putting the "Christmas" back in the holidays. Now it's true that I thought the story about gear engaging devices for cars was a waste of good news time, but they have hit a new low with this story. Who cares about whether your friendly Walmart greeter is going to wish you "Merry Christmas," "Happy Channukah," or "Happy Kwanza?" I mean is this the level we've stooped to? Are we so obssessed with being politically correct that we've lost sight of simple human kindness? I personally feel that, yeah, you should get the "Happy Holidays" greeting at your local store so as not to exclude shoppers celebrating other holidays. However, I don't feel that this is worthy of getting front page headlines, or a lengthy discussion on the Today show. And I'm certainly not going to become disrespectful to a person who takes the time to wish me a "Merry Christmas."
If any of you feeling like wishing me something other than "Happy Birthday" today I promise I won't be offended
Happy Birthday! and um.... Happy... ummm... Happy Kitty Feet Day
Happy Cake for Breakfast Day...