That Yearly Visit That Every Girl Looks Forward To!
I thought I would entertain you with my thoughts on that dreaded yearly know the one I'm referring to, girls...the GYNO!!!!
I've had bad experiences with this exam for as long as I can remember. Not bad in the sense of walking out of the office bleeding and in tears, no I'm talking about MISDIAGNOSIS! It took me years to be diagnosed with a CONDITION that I was pretty confident I had, not to mention years later I've just found out that all my other bodily dysfunctions are stemmed from THAT condition. Hooray for gynecologists in Massachusetts! Great to know that I can get a straight answer!
So today at 3pm I will go and be examined at University Health Services at school since that's currently the only health insurance I have, sadly (my employer apparently doesn't care if we die). I'm taking bets that this will be equally as horrible and I will be no closer to a resolution to my problem than I am sitting at this computer right now. My money is on incompetency!
I thought I would entertain you with my thoughts on that dreaded yearly know the one I'm referring to, girls...the GYNO!!!!
I've had bad experiences with this exam for as long as I can remember. Not bad in the sense of walking out of the office bleeding and in tears, no I'm talking about MISDIAGNOSIS! It took me years to be diagnosed with a CONDITION that I was pretty confident I had, not to mention years later I've just found out that all my other bodily dysfunctions are stemmed from THAT condition. Hooray for gynecologists in Massachusetts! Great to know that I can get a straight answer!
So today at 3pm I will go and be examined at University Health Services at school since that's currently the only health insurance I have, sadly (my employer apparently doesn't care if we die). I'm taking bets that this will be equally as horrible and I will be no closer to a resolution to my problem than I am sitting at this computer right now. My money is on incompetency!

Yes I too have had crying jags after problematic GYN services. I go to Planned Parenthood in Spfld for my gidde'up stirrup rides myself, and so far they haven't been bad. And if you're speaking of PCOS as your condition, you've got a fellow insane ovary this way!
So, by the way, I am an ass. I totally meant to send you a donation for the Walk for Animals and I flaked. Be assured, my cats gave me a stern talking to, and K's cat, Hunter, slapped me with the pimp hand paw. K & I are actually doing the Spfld walk for breast cancer awareness (good God lady: did you REALLY think I would make it 3 days from Boston???!!!) at the end of the month. I thank you for your walk on behalf of the five (yes I'm insane) cats in my household, all rescued or from shelters.
I hope all is going well in the BIG TEST study countdown. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you just want to get together and have coffee and/or pester bonfirecollapse or zode at their respective bar tending gigs. I hope you still have my phone number! I don't know when I'll be on SG again (hopefully soon), but I'll want to hear what you thought of the MTEL!
BTW, Spfld has good health insurance! We still need a replacement for the retiring English teacher in January!
we could always go for coffee or something