I'm becoming numb. And the more I deal with people, the more misanthropic I become. Is it so much to ask for a little respect from people? I'm a very generous people, not to mention I take a lot of shit. So why is it that when I feel the need to speak my mind people get mad at me? Maybe I should just be a bitch all the time...then people wouldn't expect much from me ...

as for the pictures. I would love it so I could hand out pictures of me and Justin for christmas but I wouldn't be able to pay you all that much for them. If you want me and Justin are going to be going out on his birthday this upcoming wednesday. You are more than welcome to join us.
Anyways.. I"m feeling a life crisis coming on lately. I am sure of nothing in my life anymore. I'm only 20 and it shouldn't feel like a big deal, I shouldn't feel so trapped, but I do. I'm too rational and logical for my own good sometimes. I want you to graduate so we can talk again