The Joys of Tonsilitis and Dog-Sitting
I'm back from the depths of sickness hell! Yes, ever since Thursday night I've had my lovely, twice-yearly case of tonsilitis! Friday I spent all day sleeping and attempting to get rid of aches, pains, a sore throat, and a 102.2 fever. Saturday I worked but that was a bad idea because by the time I got home I had a blinding headache and went to bed immediately. In 2 days I ate 1 can of chicken noodle soup and 2 glazed donuts. Apparently this diet works because this morning I discovered that in the course of 2 1/2 days I have lost almost 8 lbs. Probably not the most enjoyable way to lose weight, but successful nonetheless!
In other news, I've also been preoccupied with this since Friday night

I'm back from the depths of sickness hell! Yes, ever since Thursday night I've had my lovely, twice-yearly case of tonsilitis! Friday I spent all day sleeping and attempting to get rid of aches, pains, a sore throat, and a 102.2 fever. Saturday I worked but that was a bad idea because by the time I got home I had a blinding headache and went to bed immediately. In 2 days I ate 1 can of chicken noodle soup and 2 glazed donuts. Apparently this diet works because this morning I discovered that in the course of 2 1/2 days I have lost almost 8 lbs. Probably not the most enjoyable way to lose weight, but successful nonetheless!
In other news, I've also been preoccupied with this since Friday night

*tuning fork*
Face! Does it droop when you ask them to smile?
Arm! (yada dah yada dah I forget this line)
Speech! Does it sound (something?) or confused?
Then it's time... Time to call 9-1-1!
Face! Arm! Speech! Time!
Act fast!
Give a loved one hope!
Very catchy. Makes me want all PSAs to be communicated through cartoon jingles!