Does anyone out there ever do favors for their friends (i.e. non-paid jobs) and non feel good about doing it? Well my friend Dan lives with his friend Chris and Chris's mother. The mother has decided to start a business making Grillz, those teeth jewelry things that all the rappers seem to have nowadays. Essentially, her entire livelihood is based on the success of manufacturing these things...but the problem is she isn't very good at making them. But nonetheless I don't want to be the spoiler of her dream so I remain silent. However, she has roped me into being the photographer for the website. The problem with this is that she graduated from UCLA back in the 60s and thinks that she's qualified to critique the digital arts of today (i.e. web design). So I sat at her house attempting to photograph these things according to her standards of what looks good, meanwhile she was arguing with my friend Dan telling him that he knows absolutely nothing about art and that his logo for the website sucks. She wants the website to look more "artistic." Now I don't know about any of you, but when I go to a website to buy a product I'm focused on that product, not the website's artistic merit (but that's just me, who knows?) Part of me feels really bad for her that she's in such a bind financially that she's relying on this probable failure of a business, but on the other hand I'm pissed that she's being so ridiculously picky about a website that she is getting for free. Alas, I took the pictures but the quality of the product looks like hell (like no amount of Photoshopping is going to help). Anyone have any advice on how to get through to her about her product without sounding mean? I mean I looked at some Grillz websites last night and the quality of some of these products is amazing!
lol, I do think I'm lucky. But I felt that way before he tore the deck of cards in half
and...if we don't ask???