I've had two 15 hour shifts and one 12 hour shift. Tomorrow I do rounds and "play" charge nurse for 4 hours. Next week, it's official, I'm on my own
I even got a gift from the DON , apparently, every new hire gets Hawkeye scrubs. Awesome. I also have my OU scrubs *sticking my tongue out* and they are extra special because my mother made them for me
Also, how excited is everyone for Fall ? It starts in 3 days. My favorite season. Sweaters, football, hot chocolate, cuddling, new season of New Girl, long boots and scarves! Oh my!
This beard reminds me of Tim Kasher

Also, how excited is everyone for Fall ? It starts in 3 days. My favorite season. Sweaters, football, hot chocolate, cuddling, new season of New Girl, long boots and scarves! Oh my!

This beard reminds me of Tim Kasher

so you're enjoying IC good to hear
I'll let ya know when I'm in town next.

My beard is WAY better, just sayin...