Anyone want to start a knitting circle during the hour it takes for my shower to get hot?
My new apt and its new problems. Can't complain. My dog loves the yard and the fact that he has a new friend he's been trying to hump since day 1, it's a small Boston terrier named Jack, thank god they are both male their babies would be unfathomable, for now, I just have to be accepting of his lifestyle choices.
On a very positive note, I am enjoying Iowa City Immensely. The people, the places, view, culture... completely different form Cascade. It gives me a slight resemblance of Austin. Only slight, let's not get carried away.
So I can't sleep (like always) and it's not as bad as it used to be because I just have to wake up throw on my scrubs, pick up my hair and get in my car to drive, literally, 8 minutes. Sweet, small, simple pleasures of life.

My new apt and its new problems. Can't complain. My dog loves the yard and the fact that he has a new friend he's been trying to hump since day 1, it's a small Boston terrier named Jack, thank god they are both male their babies would be unfathomable, for now, I just have to be accepting of his lifestyle choices.
On a very positive note, I am enjoying Iowa City Immensely. The people, the places, view, culture... completely different form Cascade. It gives me a slight resemblance of Austin. Only slight, let's not get carried away.
So I can't sleep (like always) and it's not as bad as it used to be because I just have to wake up throw on my scrubs, pick up my hair and get in my car to drive, literally, 8 minutes. Sweet, small, simple pleasures of life.

it was a VHS about how gay people are using AIDS as a weapon to kill straight people. no joke. it was fucked up.
the only thing i know about IC is the grilled cheese sandwich guy. and he is cool. really really cool......