SGSD "Get-The-Fuck-Out-Of-My-Way-Before-I-Kill-You-With-This-Vintage-Telephone, You-Bumping-Into-People-Type-Bastard!" Swap Meet Takeover Day
One Day Only!! Saturday May 22nd!! See....the SGSDers haggle for bargains! See.....weird shit no one would ever buy, no matter how cheap! See.....well, just come and see!
I have decided that this is the best title I have ever come up with. I love to title things, including outings. I also love to make plans. Plans that start "Plan One: blah blah blah, Plan Two: etc etc etc..." I wonder why? But yay! regarding Swap Meet Takeover Day. I love the Swap Meet. And I do apologize in advance to all future participants for losing my temper at that man/woman/child who bumped/poked/ran into me and did not apologize. It's a thing I have about being rude, and I am sorry for getting his/her/their blood on your shirt. I will buy you a new one.
One Day Only!! Saturday May 22nd!! See....the SGSDers haggle for bargains! See.....weird shit no one would ever buy, no matter how cheap! See.....well, just come and see!
I have decided that this is the best title I have ever come up with. I love to title things, including outings. I also love to make plans. Plans that start "Plan One: blah blah blah, Plan Two: etc etc etc..." I wonder why? But yay! regarding Swap Meet Takeover Day. I love the Swap Meet. And I do apologize in advance to all future participants for losing my temper at that man/woman/child who bumped/poked/ran into me and did not apologize. It's a thing I have about being rude, and I am sorry for getting his/her/their blood on your shirt. I will buy you a new one.

HAHA if I was there I wouldn't be afraid of you! bring it on baby!
I will try to go. Are yougoing later that night to SG Burlesque?