Had some problems with my crap ass computer after I moved (thanks todannyboy for pushing all the buttons and fixing it) and could not post.
Goddammit, I can't find anything! Part of the problem is that I have not yet unpacked anything. I am still living out of a suitcase, and walking around the huge fuckoff boxes of books that need to be shelved. I'm so lazy..
But anyway, made a trip to the Midnight Adult Giant Porn Store tonight and talked to the clerk for a half hour about how this vibrator is better than that one, and how to introduce cock rings into a new relationship. It makes me wonder about the whole application process for that job. What makes you decide that selling lube and Ass Master 2000 videos is a good career move? I actually think it would be fun and interesting, but the pay would be crap....
I couldn't stand all the sickass fucks shopping there. But otherwise it might be fun. (porn store)