I'd like to take a moment to thank you guys for your encouraging words regarding this blog. Considering the old expression: "if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears, does it make a sound?" the more important question is: "does the sound really matter?" I know all writing has personal value to the writer but its much more meaningful when a reader completes the other side of the equation. (At least in my humble opinion.)
Although term "grown up" is relative as it pertains to me personally, I have managed to make a career out of writing. It's not quite what I pictured - even after getting over the lack of a talking dog or flying caveman. It's generally non-fiction and I don't always get to pick the topic but its still a pretty good way to make a living. The cool thing about a blog is that you get to pick the topic. (Although I'm always open to suggestions.)
That's about it for today. As you may have noticed i swapped in an actual picture for my icon. I also added a couple of pictures to my profile page. These were part of an experiment in that Internet staple: the mirror picture. I wanted to see if you could actually do one well. Right now I'm still photoshoping so the jury's out. I'm working on another set featuring my piano as well.
In the meantime, here's a candid shot I snapped of my old desktop PC. Last night, in a drunken fit of jealousy it tried to cram itself into an envelop:
That Yael Naim song from the Macbook Air commercial was playing over and over again. No wonder I can't get all the files to sync right...
Although term "grown up" is relative as it pertains to me personally, I have managed to make a career out of writing. It's not quite what I pictured - even after getting over the lack of a talking dog or flying caveman. It's generally non-fiction and I don't always get to pick the topic but its still a pretty good way to make a living. The cool thing about a blog is that you get to pick the topic. (Although I'm always open to suggestions.)
That's about it for today. As you may have noticed i swapped in an actual picture for my icon. I also added a couple of pictures to my profile page. These were part of an experiment in that Internet staple: the mirror picture. I wanted to see if you could actually do one well. Right now I'm still photoshoping so the jury's out. I'm working on another set featuring my piano as well.
In the meantime, here's a candid shot I snapped of my old desktop PC. Last night, in a drunken fit of jealousy it tried to cram itself into an envelop:
That Yael Naim song from the Macbook Air commercial was playing over and over again. No wonder I can't get all the files to sync right...
And keep up your blogging. Me like
I'm glad that you can make a living out of something that you are so naturally good at. And I agree with Xarian (above) please keep gracing us with your blogs. Even though I hate the term blog.