Time for something a bit more light-hearted and fun..
What is Your Fortune?
“You will enjoy good health.”
“A pleasant surprise is waiting for you.”
“You’ll never know what you can do until you try.”
These are the pearls of wisdom that are printed on small slips of paper and delivered in a thin, folded cookie shell. They provide a brief moment of pleasure or...
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What is Your Fortune?
“You will enjoy good health.”
“A pleasant surprise is waiting for you.”
“You’ll never know what you can do until you try.”
These are the pearls of wisdom that are printed on small slips of paper and delivered in a thin, folded cookie shell. They provide a brief moment of pleasure or...
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We love to be mad at each other. That’s one of my little theories about people.
On February 15th, 1898 the USS Maine sank in Havana Harbor as the result of an explosion in the forward part of the ship. The explosion was assumed to be the work of foreign saboteurs and shortly thereafter the United States entered the Spanish American War. We’ll probably never...
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On February 15th, 1898 the USS Maine sank in Havana Harbor as the result of an explosion in the forward part of the ship. The explosion was assumed to be the work of foreign saboteurs and shortly thereafter the United States entered the Spanish American War. We’ll probably never...
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Very thought provoking post. thanks for putting down the words.
“Unconditional” has always struck me as a bit of an odd word. It’s effectively useless, except in an ironic sense. What in life is actually unconditional? We like to say things are unconditional: “I love you unconditionally.” “”This product comes with an unconditional guarantee.” Let’s examine these statements a little closer: “I love you unconditionally, I just need you to change a few things about...
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For today's post I'd like to present:
The Divine Comedy: Inferno
(In Five Minutes or Less)
(Dante meets Virgil and they go to hell – literally.)
DANTE: Virgil, how are you?.
VIRGIL: I'm in hell. How do you think I am?
[Vestibule of Hell]
VIRGIL: This is the vestibule of hell.
DANTE: I figured there'd be a coat rack or a bench.
VIRGIL: Here the...
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The Divine Comedy: Inferno
(In Five Minutes or Less)
(Dante meets Virgil and they go to hell – literally.)
DANTE: Virgil, how are you?.
VIRGIL: I'm in hell. How do you think I am?
[Vestibule of Hell]
VIRGIL: This is the vestibule of hell.
DANTE: I figured there'd be a coat rack or a bench.
VIRGIL: Here the...
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Damn, you're more cynical than most Phillies fans. I said before the series started that a split would be nice, and that's what they're in line to do.
Realistically, they could have won all three played so far ... against the best team in the NL.
Realistically, they could have won all three played so far ... against the best team in the NL.
Lately I’ve been noticing more and more of those “car memorials.” For those of you who haven’t observed this phenomenon yet, a car memorial is decal usually placed in the back window to commemorate someone who has passed away. They include doves or similar imagery and read something like: “Rest in Peace John Smith, 1962-2005.”
Now I’m the first one to acknowledge funerals are for...
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Now I’m the first one to acknowledge funerals are for...
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Oh yeah ... true and complete closure is a myth perpetuated by psychologists and therapists.
Geesh.... Your a stinkin' Philly fan, too? I'm surrounded!
But yeah, was a good game. We had the game the night before wrapped up.. you guys stole it... we stole last night.... all is fair in baseball. Love the race. Well, as long as it doesn't turn out like last year.
But yeah, was a good game. We had the game the night before wrapped up.. you guys stole it... we stole last night.... all is fair in baseball. Love the race. Well, as long as it doesn't turn out like last year.

But anyway, a win this year would give me some closure.
Sorry for the delay between entries. It's been a busy week. That's not offered so much as an excuse as an explanation...
We all know humans don’t always act in a logical way. At the very least we’ve all seen the debates between Star Trek’s Spock and McCoy regarding this issue. Our positive spin on this situation (and McCoy’s) is that humans are emotional rather...
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We all know humans don’t always act in a logical way. At the very least we’ve all seen the debates between Star Trek’s Spock and McCoy regarding this issue. Our positive spin on this situation (and McCoy’s) is that humans are emotional rather...
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I think, if you get put on ignore, you are no longer able to send the person email or read their blogs.
Thanks so much.
I wouldn't know where to begin the attempt to use the program if I had the desire.
I've heard it is an acquired taste.
I wouldn't know where to begin the attempt to use the program if I had the desire.
I've heard it is an acquired taste.
I'd like to take a moment to thank you guys for your encouraging words regarding this blog. Considering the old expression: "if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears, does it make a sound?" the more important question is: "does the sound really matter?" I know all writing has personal value to the writer but its much more meaningful when a reader...
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Its a game dude
. People dress up as their characters and try to survive
And keep up your blogging. Me like

And keep up your blogging. Me like

Grown up is subjective to everyone. As, in my opinion, growth only ends when it is no longer possible to grow (ie... death). Takes plants... they grow out of concrete and in some of the most harsh evironments.
I'm glad that you can make a living out of something that you are so naturally good at. And I agree with Xarian (above) please keep gracing us with your blogs. Even though I hate the term blog.
I'm glad that you can make a living out of something that you are so naturally good at. And I agree with Xarian (above) please keep gracing us with your blogs. Even though I hate the term blog.
Life is really a series of adaptations and re-inventions. The kid who plays with crayons becomes the graphic artist. But there's that cool time in between where you still believe the outrageous is possible. I grew up watching Hanna Barbera cartoons so as a kid I always figured someday I'd hang out with a group of friends and solve mysteries. We'd also have some kind...
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Ack! Reality! So damn annoying! I'm still hoping for small cavemen with huge clubs to fly past my window and take me away to a better world :p
Ow, and on the apprentice part; I mightbe her teacher, but its not in any kind of official school
Ow, and on the apprentice part; I mightbe her teacher, but its not in any kind of official school

Have you *grown-up* to be a writer? If not, you should get on that.
Today I'm going with Rys' suggestion to use lists when I don't have something else prepared. (If you're looking for pictorals that actually tell a story, check out her stuff - narratives without words.) In keeping with this blog's overall storytelling theme here are some songwriters who I consider great storytellers:
Warren Zevon - Darker lyrics set to melodies that stay in your head.
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Warren Zevon - Darker lyrics set to melodies that stay in your head.
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Well, I'm very infamiliar with names in the music industry... I know what songs I like, but never bother to look up who actually wrtoe them...
Anyway, apprentices are not very hard to find. In general, they are fairly youg, beautiful but a little insecure, wanting and held back. What I do is unleash their inner desire and give them hints at how to fulfill it...
Anyway, apprentices are not very hard to find. In general, they are fairly youg, beautiful but a little insecure, wanting and held back. What I do is unleash their inner desire and give them hints at how to fulfill it...
Two guys walk into a Staples. One guy says to the other guy: "Do you want to go snipe hunting tomorrow?"
Other guy says: "I can't. I promised the kids I'd take them to Dave & Buster's. But you can borrow my dog if you want."
"Is he a good snipe hunting dog?" asks the first guy.
"He'll tell you where they are and how...
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Other guy says: "I can't. I promised the kids I'd take them to Dave & Buster's. But you can borrow my dog if you want."
"Is he a good snipe hunting dog?" asks the first guy.
"He'll tell you where they are and how...
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Good one dude
Good one dude

If you come back... Friend me!