I'm just gonna go ahead and throw this out there.. This gay marriage thing. People say they don't want it cause in the bible it says that it's meant for one man and one woman right? Well putting aside the fact that that's the reason we have separation of church and state and also putting aside that some gay people are Christians and have traditional wedding vowels in their wedding because, why would an all loving God hate someone for making them the way they are, loving who they love or judge them for showing their love in each other and God in front of their friends and family? BUT put alllllll that aside and someone tell me why people are such crybabies about that when atheists are married everyday. I don't see anyone complaining about that, or picketing that. If you firmly believe that marriage is ceremony made by and for God and religion and that is why two people who love each other with all their hearts and also God, but are the same sex can't get married then someone please tell me why it's so acceptable for atheists to be married. In this day and age I am really surprised that gay marriage is this big of an issue. They're people. No matter who they love. And basing laws of a religious belief in this country and it's states are just completely absurd to me. FYI, its ok to be a christian and still want everyone to have equal love and support without any hate. Being judgmental, hateful and ignorant towards anyone else's beliefs, close minded and unwilling to see anyones point but your own is not very christian of you whatsoever. God says not to judge anyone.. it actually says in the Bible that if someone is gay to let them worry about themselves and mind your own business. So stop being so nosey and hatful and let people get married to whoever the heck they want. It really has nothing to do with anyone but those two people.
Rant complete.

Rant complete.

my sweet gallows it was so nice seeing you@ its been set gunner, and you and i are alll going to hoop on several occasions this summer
you said it so well girl