So i am sick. Sick sick sick. Had to blow off plans to hoop and possibly shoot. Also missed a day of work. I feel awful.. some kind of achey cold with snotty nose and sore throat. Ill take the flu over a runny nose any day. I hate it. Im dreading tomorrow with a full day of work.. such bad timing
Tonight im going to try to make this for dinner..
I LOVE mushrooms and everything in it thats not vegan is being replaced by a vegan substitute. Lets hope it turns out great and healthy! Working hard on my diet and losing some pounds for the summer. HOPEFULLY ill be spending a lot more time in a bathing suit this time. I can not wait for summer, i feel like Ohio has perfect seasons. When summer gets here you have waited just long enough for it to be perfect timing, and when winter comes youre ready for it to be cold again. But this winter has sucked so bad, and ive been forced to be outside a lot more for my job. Columbus is also colder then southern Ohio where im from. In short im ready for it to be over with. I want to wear shorts and tank tops again. I wear tank tops all year long but its not as fun when you have to wear a hoodie over it most the time.
Hoping to spend the weekend with my sister and it being very laid back. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tonight im going to try to make this for dinner..
I LOVE mushrooms and everything in it thats not vegan is being replaced by a vegan substitute. Lets hope it turns out great and healthy! Working hard on my diet and losing some pounds for the summer. HOPEFULLY ill be spending a lot more time in a bathing suit this time. I can not wait for summer, i feel like Ohio has perfect seasons. When summer gets here you have waited just long enough for it to be perfect timing, and when winter comes youre ready for it to be cold again. But this winter has sucked so bad, and ive been forced to be outside a lot more for my job. Columbus is also colder then southern Ohio where im from. In short im ready for it to be over with. I want to wear shorts and tank tops again. I wear tank tops all year long but its not as fun when you have to wear a hoodie over it most the time.
Hoping to spend the weekend with my sister and it being very laid back. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wish you would have had a little more time to hang out and chat! But it was nice to get to meet you for a few even if you were working. 

This winter was a lot nastier compared to last year. Though I thought the fall was amazing. It's my favorite time of the year.