Several of my girlfriends have come to me recently with questions concerning sex. I never realised things that seem so simple to me could be such a difficult subject to others.
First one of my friend thought that coming up to 30, our sex life, ladies would come to an end. She has been with her bf for a long time and now doesn't feel any attraction anymore
She was really shocked when I told her that 30 is the peak of women's sexuality...
Another came to me concerning porn, men and women with this article:
Porn for women
Quite interesting. Maybe women are said not to like porn as much as men because this is just not the porn we like, I must say I agree with this theory.
Now I just need to watch those porn made specially for women. To be continued...
First one of my friend thought that coming up to 30, our sex life, ladies would come to an end. She has been with her bf for a long time and now doesn't feel any attraction anymore
She was really shocked when I told her that 30 is the peak of women's sexuality...
Another came to me concerning porn, men and women with this article:
Porn for women
Quite interesting. Maybe women are said not to like porn as much as men because this is just not the porn we like, I must say I agree with this theory.
Now I just need to watch those porn made specially for women. To be continued...
Hi by the way, I'm Dave.