has anyone noticed that this website is far far too un-hardcore. there is an appaling dearth of cocks, cumshots, spread eagles, hot girl-on-girl action (i'm sorry, i mean the really HOT HOT stuff), and other clearly triple x quality material. in europe this place would at best be a website for a teenage girl's clothing line. they wouldn't even give a thought to calling it porn. i have lots of european friends, so i should know. so for starters, i think that the webmasters should ban folks from talking naughty on this site unless they are willing to step up to the plate. they should also re-title themselves "web managers" or "web coordinators" rather than "webmasters," lest they send any mixed signals. otherwise they're just doing a tremendous disservice to us everyday deviants.
do i have sign over my head that says "therapist"? here, have a beer. that's my advice dickface.
flipper is a great band. you may have heard of them before. does anybody have their album "album," and if so can i copy it?
this november i think i am going to take a dump in my polling station to incite chaos. seriously though, if the democrats realized just how far behind they are, and really had their act together, they'd mail ex lax to their constituents in bush-leaning states. they would ask the recipients to take the drug early that morning on november 2nd. then there would be a swath of polling stations closed in those states brought on by, ehem, mudslides. and so kerry would win. how cool would that be? kerry wins due to diaharrea deluge.
p.s. your wife says hello.
do i have sign over my head that says "therapist"? here, have a beer. that's my advice dickface.
flipper is a great band. you may have heard of them before. does anybody have their album "album," and if so can i copy it?
this november i think i am going to take a dump in my polling station to incite chaos. seriously though, if the democrats realized just how far behind they are, and really had their act together, they'd mail ex lax to their constituents in bush-leaning states. they would ask the recipients to take the drug early that morning on november 2nd. then there would be a swath of polling stations closed in those states brought on by, ehem, mudslides. and so kerry would win. how cool would that be? kerry wins due to diaharrea deluge.
p.s. your wife says hello.
Possibly we could call them web-brown nosers? I agree with you that if people talk the talk, they need to walk the walk.. or sit and spin like they so called are "into"... ahem.. amen (thats my new thing)

Where do you go if you drink Coke?