for better or worse, we are the best at backing ourselves into corners.
and let me preface this all by saying that, with all due respect to the suicide-check-out-my-tits-and-pussy jet set, by some stroke of divine luck i am dating without exageration the hottest, horniest, coolest combination of porn star and best friend a fella could ask for. seriously, it's as if a mad scientist from volkswagen actually sneaked into my diary and some how frankensteined the perfect broad for me. down to the spectacular ass and everything. AND made her actually like me instead of say, oh, i dunno, john spencer or some other maven of hipness.
so anyway back to my story. the theme for friday's boozer was, "tommy, when the fuck are you gonna quit tempting fate and marry this one." fair's fair. anyone else i date would be two steps back. but still, i'm a guy and we fear committment only slightly less than death. maybe even more.
so i says, half drunk half serious, that i'd pull the trigger if we could get a) the melvins to come play for our friends, and b) we could also get the jesus lizard to come play as well. haha! a crafty one i am. "b" will NEVER happen says you. NEVER hapen says i. crisis of committment averted.
saturday this same boozer continues with our annual below freezing bbq. joy has some free omaha steak burgers, so the timing was right. a good afternoon and all, until over my second or third mr. softee alex tells me that our buddy is already in contact with yow about logistics.
so talk to me about this ring business.
You are re-crowned Tommy Wolf.
Listen, I want you to write a tour diary of traveling around the High on Fires. Preston left the band to be with his lady. My man did a whoop ass sketch of his to go with your diary.
Jesus Wolf