There was an attractive woman hitchhiking along 16th ave the other day. While you see this happen all the time in movies, TV and commercials, but that is the first time i have seen an attractive woman hitchicking it in real life.
All hitchhikers I have ever seen were unattractive men.
June 8
i was unable to pick her up. much to my disapointment. i was in my bosses truck and we were on our way back to work.
if i had i might have had a more interesting post
All hitchhikers I have ever seen were unattractive men.
June 8
i was unable to pick her up. much to my disapointment. i was in my bosses truck and we were on our way back to work.

if i had i might have had a more interesting post
The shitty haircut is pretty much okay now, I fixed it. It really didn't change the experience though