hey guys.
So I love Sundays generally.
I'm a store manager for an awesome shoe brand, so of course working in retail, I don't really see weekends like most people. I do try to give myself most Sundays off though, and I like to use the day to relax and be a HausWife ;).
I also love Sunday because it generally means all the Babes I follow on Instagram post awesome pictures of themselves partially clothed all in the name of #sundies....
As much as I love Sundies, I think on here we should all go one step further and celebrate #antisundies. I have some examples for you guys.
So this is #sundies! I am indeed, wearing lingerie. Sweet. Instagram friendly.
And this is #antisundies. Yep. Nekkid. Not so Instagram friendly, but veeerrrry SG friendly ;)
More? Okay, cool beans.
Schwing! Show me your own antisundies!
Love Galda xo