Portlanders, please... do me a huge favor and learn how to park your fucking cars. Those white lines painted on the lot outside Safeway are not suggestions. If you put your vehicle between them, you'll get, say, 10 cars in the space that you insist will only contain 7.
You are all assholes.
I understand why you never leave this city--the real world will fucking chew you up and spit you out.
Oh, and I grew up in a state that trusts the general public to pump their own gas. I've been doing it since I was 16. Can I get a special permit that allows me to bypass the semi-retarded, snail-paced, motherfuckers that are certified by the state to handle flammable liquids? I can be in and out of a gas station in 5 minutes when left to my own devices. Waiting on the certified attendants puts that time into the 15 minute range.
You are all assholes.
I understand why you never leave this city--the real world will fucking chew you up and spit you out.
Oh, and I grew up in a state that trusts the general public to pump their own gas. I've been doing it since I was 16. Can I get a special permit that allows me to bypass the semi-retarded, snail-paced, motherfuckers that are certified by the state to handle flammable liquids? I can be in and out of a gas station in 5 minutes when left to my own devices. Waiting on the certified attendants puts that time into the 15 minute range.

I feel your pain.
You don't have the market cornered on .75 cars per parking spot, though. But we have epic snow ruts as an excuse - it gets a bit better in the summer here.
I too miss Gil Grissom.