I haven't got a taste for the nonsense of back and forth & straight to the point. There's no style in that. If that's your preferred method of texting, so be it. There's a certain poetry of motion in making curly little squiggles all over the face of the phone instead of the harsh zig-zags that I've seen most people make. I'm pretty sure my way is the way the programmers intended (if they have any souls at all) when they brought "swype" into being. Now, the act of texting someone to go fuck themselves is made far less harsh by the beautiful little dance the finger makes to spell out the words.
Swirls, kids...swirls. That's where it's at.
Swirls, kids...swirls. That's where it's at.
I can't say I'm all that familiar with swirls, swype or droids....
I get bored and change names...i don't know why i always end up back at my old one....if you don't like it, sorry....not like you ever talk to me anyway.