Many moons ago I dated a lovely girl from Boston. She introduced me to the world of MST3K. We laughed our asses off in the deepest bowels of a Wellesley dorm room watching episode after episode of Joel (fuck Mike) and the bots doing what they did so well...
She lives in Atlanta now... and, despite the collapse of our romantic life together, we have remained incredibly close friends (in spirit, not geography)...
Cinematic Titanic will be performing in Atlanta next month...
We haven't seen each other in over 10 years... but I think we're both itching for a reunion. Me, her and Joel.
Will I be able to weasel out of work and catch a flight to Georgia? Tune in next week... same bat time, same bat channel.
She lives in Atlanta now... and, despite the collapse of our romantic life together, we have remained incredibly close friends (in spirit, not geography)...
Cinematic Titanic will be performing in Atlanta next month...
We haven't seen each other in over 10 years... but I think we're both itching for a reunion. Me, her and Joel.
Will I be able to weasel out of work and catch a flight to Georgia? Tune in next week... same bat time, same bat channel.
I guess my Joel-Mike lines of division aren't so clearly drawn...

Happy Earth Day!