My head is swimming. I've lost track of my drugs. I don't know what I've taken, how much I've taken, or when I ate the goddamned things. I'm looking at the pills sitting in the bottom of their respective bottles, doing the math in my head. No way to track things backward... just have to ration out what's left for the days ahead. Surgery is Wednesday (if I don't go ahead and take a goddamned steak knife to myself first). I'm too jacked up at the moment to go off on a rant about the bureaucracy of health care in America and patient's rights and worker's rights and blah blah blah... let's just say it all sucks massive donkey cock and leave it at that (for now... we'll revisit this issue another time when I don't feel like death).
Ok I'm gonna need you to explain that. Both thats. The drugs and the surgery part. Yeah 'cause you never mentioned any of that.
How's my favorite hernia doing?