So, here's the breakdown of the day. Work was decent. Not too busy, just enough to keep me there my full shift to make some dinero. It was, all in all, a pretty decent shift. Nothing spectacular, but... pleasant. I even lived through waking up so fucking early.
Then I got home to a very nice spaghetti dinner made in honor of my older brother's birthday. Spent some time with the family, it was pretty pleasant.
I called Tabbatha, but she didn't answer, so I then called Eric to check on the status of the belly dancer belt I was purchasing from his girlfriend as a gift for Tabbatha.
Turns out Eric was just coming home from the shooting range. I asked if he had any ammo left over (which he did) and if I could come over and shoot (which I could)
Right as I was walking out the door, Tabbatha called me. I invited her to go shooting, which she was more than happy to do.
I should mention, I love women. I love women like Frank Slade (Pacino) in 'Scent of a Woman'. I also love guns. I love guns like an NRA card carrying Republican in Alabama. Ok, I don't love guns THAT much, but I do very much enjoy shooting, so the prospect of shooting with a girl I'm digging on was VERY awesome.
So, we go shooting. I abuse my shoulder with a .12 gague pump shotgun (I don't suggest speed shooting a shotgun if all you're wearing is a thin Hanes T-Shirt) and fire off a few from the M4 carbine Eric built.
Once done with the shooting, Tabbatha and I go get some soda from work and drive past Ruby Tuesday's where Greg works, and THAT'S where I get an idea.
I stop by, meet Greg, ask for, and recieve his apartment keys, and from there, take Tabbatha to aforementioned apartment. Now, bear in mind I wasn't really EXPECTING, or PLANNING on getting laid.
But I did.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh did I get laid.
It was some DAMN good sex. See, I've had poor experiences with redheads in the past, and this lovely young woman changed my entire perspective. Pardon the crudity of the statement, but we fucked the hell out of one another. It was fantastic.
Of course, Greg came home from work, which interrupted us. (hadn't really got started yet) and then left. He came back home later, which interrupted us. (still hadn't gotten to it yet, but had gotten much further)
Fortunately, we finished before he came home again. What I wonder is... why is it every time I try to get my groove on at his apt... something always interrupts. Both times, myself and my partner have been interrupted twice. Weird.
I should mention though, that I did something very different this time. See, unlike every other time, I set aside a thought process, and dedicated it to really and truly experiencing the moment. It was... different, and something I'm going to do more often. It really makes things look, taste, smell, and feel SO much more... not really amazing, but... fun.
So, there you have it. I got me some!!!
Then I got home to a very nice spaghetti dinner made in honor of my older brother's birthday. Spent some time with the family, it was pretty pleasant.
I called Tabbatha, but she didn't answer, so I then called Eric to check on the status of the belly dancer belt I was purchasing from his girlfriend as a gift for Tabbatha.
Turns out Eric was just coming home from the shooting range. I asked if he had any ammo left over (which he did) and if I could come over and shoot (which I could)
Right as I was walking out the door, Tabbatha called me. I invited her to go shooting, which she was more than happy to do.
I should mention, I love women. I love women like Frank Slade (Pacino) in 'Scent of a Woman'. I also love guns. I love guns like an NRA card carrying Republican in Alabama. Ok, I don't love guns THAT much, but I do very much enjoy shooting, so the prospect of shooting with a girl I'm digging on was VERY awesome.
So, we go shooting. I abuse my shoulder with a .12 gague pump shotgun (I don't suggest speed shooting a shotgun if all you're wearing is a thin Hanes T-Shirt) and fire off a few from the M4 carbine Eric built.
Once done with the shooting, Tabbatha and I go get some soda from work and drive past Ruby Tuesday's where Greg works, and THAT'S where I get an idea.
I stop by, meet Greg, ask for, and recieve his apartment keys, and from there, take Tabbatha to aforementioned apartment. Now, bear in mind I wasn't really EXPECTING, or PLANNING on getting laid.
But I did.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh did I get laid.
It was some DAMN good sex. See, I've had poor experiences with redheads in the past, and this lovely young woman changed my entire perspective. Pardon the crudity of the statement, but we fucked the hell out of one another. It was fantastic.
Of course, Greg came home from work, which interrupted us. (hadn't really got started yet) and then left. He came back home later, which interrupted us. (still hadn't gotten to it yet, but had gotten much further)
Fortunately, we finished before he came home again. What I wonder is... why is it every time I try to get my groove on at his apt... something always interrupts. Both times, myself and my partner have been interrupted twice. Weird.
I should mention though, that I did something very different this time. See, unlike every other time, I set aside a thought process, and dedicated it to really and truly experiencing the moment. It was... different, and something I'm going to do more often. It really makes things look, taste, smell, and feel SO much more... not really amazing, but... fun.
So, there you have it. I got me some!!!
thank you for your comment
good sex