What a long, strange trip (all of a few days, I know, I know) it's been. Where to begin? Where to begin? I hear the peanut gallery, and really, the next time I hear "How about the beginning?" I'll kick the offender in the taint.
So, life is balanced oddly at the moment, and full of thought, but not as much substance as I would prefer. Rachael and I are doing wonderfully. As a matter of fact, I just left her house a couple hours ago, where we watched HGTV before and after some pretty good sex.
This leads me to a point, and that point being, HGTV isn't just for women and gay men, seriously, try the show "I Want That" it's pretty awesome.
Back to the relationship things however; It's good, first of all. I'm very happy with her, as she's got this style about her that's just instinct, to be this really sweet and dear woman. I think it has to do with her being a Cancer, but I'm not sure is that hypothesis is totally correct. Not that it matters. There's a love there, no doubt about it, and it's a very warm and comfortable kind of fire. It doesn't feel like it's about to burn out, which is something I'd been experiencing a lot in the past few years. I'm famously open-mouthed about my relationships, but I think I'll be a bit more conservative from here on out, for a couple of reasons. One reason being that I don't want to run out of good stuff to write about for a while, the other because I feel like maybe I jinxed the rest by being so puppy about it.
Work is a different story though. As you probably read previous, I lost my job at the Dragon's Den. I've had time to reflect upon things as well, and I've distilled my initial fury into something much more manageable and much less combustible. The initial anger stems from the situation. It's very hard to find a decent job in this town, which doesn't involve food service or a call center. The feelings of betrayal, observed at a distance, stem from feeling like I didn't get a chance to fix what was wrong in what I was doing. However, information being at times limited can restrict that. At the moment, I wait only for my last two weeks paycheck, which should be in relatively soon.
This actually brings me to another thought. Rachael and I have been discussing getting a place together, for a number of reasons. The biggest reason for this is that we have absolutely NO privacy about 88% of the time. Speaking frankly, we'd both be happier having sex in our own bed (shower, kitchen, living room, garage, etc) instead of wherever we get the time and quiet. There are other reasons, which I'll talk about later.
However, to catch back up with things, the big factor about the job issue was, in looking at it in retrospect; I would have HAD to have quit working at the Dragon's Den. If Rachael and I are going to get ourselves a place, I need to make more money than the store could feasibly offer. That is, what we like to call in some circles, some shit.
I do have an employment prospect or two, one of which is much better paying and for better hours. (This is obviously the more favorable choice.). The lesser pay of the two is Office Max, where, after some calculation, will net me somewhere in the neighborhood of $225 a month more than my previous employment. The other option is at King's Daughters Medical Center, which will, after more math, net me somewhere in the neighborhood of $550 more a month than previous employment, as well as medical after 90 days. That's more than enough for us at the moment, though of course, I'll always want more.
Dad baked a ham today, and anyone who's had the joy of eating some of this magnificent pork product should know what kind of a wonderful meal I had today. It also marked the first time Rachael got to really sit down with my local family members (and eat some of Dad's ham, just as important IMO) so it was, all in all, a rather good day.
Speaking of Ham, I think I might go snack on some.
Eat up everyone, there are starving children everywhere. They taste good with a nice Hollandaise sauce though.
So, life is balanced oddly at the moment, and full of thought, but not as much substance as I would prefer. Rachael and I are doing wonderfully. As a matter of fact, I just left her house a couple hours ago, where we watched HGTV before and after some pretty good sex.
This leads me to a point, and that point being, HGTV isn't just for women and gay men, seriously, try the show "I Want That" it's pretty awesome.
Back to the relationship things however; It's good, first of all. I'm very happy with her, as she's got this style about her that's just instinct, to be this really sweet and dear woman. I think it has to do with her being a Cancer, but I'm not sure is that hypothesis is totally correct. Not that it matters. There's a love there, no doubt about it, and it's a very warm and comfortable kind of fire. It doesn't feel like it's about to burn out, which is something I'd been experiencing a lot in the past few years. I'm famously open-mouthed about my relationships, but I think I'll be a bit more conservative from here on out, for a couple of reasons. One reason being that I don't want to run out of good stuff to write about for a while, the other because I feel like maybe I jinxed the rest by being so puppy about it.
Work is a different story though. As you probably read previous, I lost my job at the Dragon's Den. I've had time to reflect upon things as well, and I've distilled my initial fury into something much more manageable and much less combustible. The initial anger stems from the situation. It's very hard to find a decent job in this town, which doesn't involve food service or a call center. The feelings of betrayal, observed at a distance, stem from feeling like I didn't get a chance to fix what was wrong in what I was doing. However, information being at times limited can restrict that. At the moment, I wait only for my last two weeks paycheck, which should be in relatively soon.
This actually brings me to another thought. Rachael and I have been discussing getting a place together, for a number of reasons. The biggest reason for this is that we have absolutely NO privacy about 88% of the time. Speaking frankly, we'd both be happier having sex in our own bed (shower, kitchen, living room, garage, etc) instead of wherever we get the time and quiet. There are other reasons, which I'll talk about later.
However, to catch back up with things, the big factor about the job issue was, in looking at it in retrospect; I would have HAD to have quit working at the Dragon's Den. If Rachael and I are going to get ourselves a place, I need to make more money than the store could feasibly offer. That is, what we like to call in some circles, some shit.
I do have an employment prospect or two, one of which is much better paying and for better hours. (This is obviously the more favorable choice.). The lesser pay of the two is Office Max, where, after some calculation, will net me somewhere in the neighborhood of $225 a month more than my previous employment. The other option is at King's Daughters Medical Center, which will, after more math, net me somewhere in the neighborhood of $550 more a month than previous employment, as well as medical after 90 days. That's more than enough for us at the moment, though of course, I'll always want more.
Dad baked a ham today, and anyone who's had the joy of eating some of this magnificent pork product should know what kind of a wonderful meal I had today. It also marked the first time Rachael got to really sit down with my local family members (and eat some of Dad's ham, just as important IMO) so it was, all in all, a rather good day.
Speaking of Ham, I think I might go snack on some.
Eat up everyone, there are starving children everywhere. They taste good with a nice Hollandaise sauce though.
I love HGTV, lol. Maybe you should work on finding a job that you like and that you can make good money with. Save up, and move in together.
Sex addicts forum
What pray tell is HGTV??