Dear Blog;
After an 8 month tenure at the Dragon's Den, I have determined what it feels like to be fucked in the ass sideways.
After putting in my time there, doing everything I can to keep the business going, I was given two weeks to work before my job would be taken over by another person so as to "make more money"
I think the worst part about all this is the betrayal. I put in 70+ hours a week in the place, only occasionally taking some time for myself, and this is the thanks which I recieve? To be perfectly honest, it's like I've been stabbed squarely between the shoulder blades, with the knife still embedded.
I was told that certain parties didn't come to the shop because they didn't care for how I ran the place. I find this hard to believe, as the owner of the store himself said he was quite certain that we weren't getting business because it was summer, and all of our customers were on vacation.
The worst of it is, jobs here aren't just scarce, they're nonexistent, and finding one which I could excel in is going to be a positive bitch, and with only $300 to last me until which time as I aquire a new job, I'm not feeling too confident.
So, today is the first day of my last two weeks of work. It feels like colgate for the Juggernaut. It's a bitch.
There's still no reason for total emotional failure though, as Rachael and I are still together, a feat which amazes me as I tend to bore women quickly. It's been generally agreed upon by those with an objective viewpoint that we function well together too. The Sex is great, though we rarely have privacy in which to engage in it. I may be a deadbeat, but I'm a deadbeat who's loved at least.
After an 8 month tenure at the Dragon's Den, I have determined what it feels like to be fucked in the ass sideways.
After putting in my time there, doing everything I can to keep the business going, I was given two weeks to work before my job would be taken over by another person so as to "make more money"
I think the worst part about all this is the betrayal. I put in 70+ hours a week in the place, only occasionally taking some time for myself, and this is the thanks which I recieve? To be perfectly honest, it's like I've been stabbed squarely between the shoulder blades, with the knife still embedded.
I was told that certain parties didn't come to the shop because they didn't care for how I ran the place. I find this hard to believe, as the owner of the store himself said he was quite certain that we weren't getting business because it was summer, and all of our customers were on vacation.
The worst of it is, jobs here aren't just scarce, they're nonexistent, and finding one which I could excel in is going to be a positive bitch, and with only $300 to last me until which time as I aquire a new job, I'm not feeling too confident.
So, today is the first day of my last two weeks of work. It feels like colgate for the Juggernaut. It's a bitch.
There's still no reason for total emotional failure though, as Rachael and I are still together, a feat which amazes me as I tend to bore women quickly. It's been generally agreed upon by those with an objective viewpoint that we function well together too. The Sex is great, though we rarely have privacy in which to engage in it. I may be a deadbeat, but I'm a deadbeat who's loved at least.
Im assuming this is a comic book store perhaps?....well if they are going to treat you that way, then screw them, they dont deserve should start your own shop!!...and dont dispair, there is soemthing out there for you......and of you have love in your life, then thats all that matters!!