I've known Rachael about two years or so, probably getting closer to three. In that time, it was apparently pretty clear to some parties with a vested interest, that we were both fond of one another, and thanks to a healthy dose of fidelity on her part, nothing came of it for a while.
What a long, strange trip (all of a few days, I know, I know) it's been. Where to begin? Where to begin? I hear the peanut gallery, and really, the next time I hear "How about the beginning?" I'll kick the offender in the taint.
So, life is balanced oddly at the moment, and full of thought, but not as much substance as I would... Read More
After an 8 month tenure at the Dragon's Den, I have determined what it feels like to be fucked in the ass sideways.
After putting in my time there, doing everything I can to keep the business going, I was given two weeks to work before my job would be taken over by another person so as to "make more money"
Im assuming this is a comic book store perhaps?....well if they are going to treat you that way, then screw them, they dont deserve you..........you should start your own shop!!...and dont dispair, there is soemthing out there for you......and of you have love in your life, then thats all that matters!!
It's been a long, long time since I've updated. I know, I've been remiss, but, there wasn't much going on in my life. I mean, it was mostly just a bunch of little stuff, but I suppose I can mash it all together into one cohesive post.
First things. I've not been to Karate for about a month, primarily due to a leg injury I... Read More
i have heard of the sca, and i don't know if they do anything locally, but would be fun to check out sometime. gods...ren faire is so fun. except when i have snowflakes falling into my bosom. that's pretty cold. i could've used some warm hands that day to keep them warm. anyway, the second day of the ren faire was unseasonable warm, and instead of snowflaked falling into my bosoms, i had kamikaze ladybugs flying in all day instead. what's a wench to do? well anyway...
this year, i hope its warmer, and i hope to have some warm bodies to snuggle with at night (it's a camping event...october in new england and camping don't exactly mix, but the event is 2+ hours from home). last year, i lived close enough to not have to camp; i went home to the comfort of my own bed.
forgive my rambling. thanks for welcoming me so graciously to the faire folk group, m'lord.
lady arrika
Had a party to attend this evening, thrown by one of the brown belts in my Karate class. Everyone was there, including the man himself, head of the school, all the way down to our newest white belt.
The plan, you see, was to invest in a massive amount of lumber and concrete, and break... Read More
Welcome to more news from the home front, coming to you live and in color.
First things first, I've got some good news. I took, and passed my gold belt test. Now, being gold belt, I'm sure some of you are going "Heh, like that should be that difficult." But here's the thing about it all. My partner, as I've mentioned before, had twice the... Read More
Finally, a real journal entry. As could be read by my last, I was pretty much crocked on St. Paddy's day, as well I should be. But, there's always something not-exciting in my life.
Work, we'll address that first. A month ago or so, I wrote the commercial we were going to use for my business. It's a cheesy kung-fu movie style, with horrible overdubbing.... Read More
I've not updated in a while, predominantly because Ive had little to nothing to talk about. I could bitch about, or praise my job, but thats pretty much old news. It leaves little, I think, to really talk about.
Ive begun taking Kokyuto Bujutsu Karate, which is NOTHING like the Shaolin Kung-Fu I used to take. Where Kung-Fu was very circular and sweeping, Kokyuto Bujutsu... Read More