So back in Denver for the moment and happy to be here.

I spent the day calling around Denver looking for some gigs. Being in NY with my family for so long was good but now I'm ready to get back to work.

I talked to Eric S today. He wants me to come out to Vegas to see him in Febuary. How can I...
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I read it. I like it. smile

Memoirs of a Geisha is a great book. Have you seen the movie yet? Hatsumomo is fucking HOT! love

I want to read Autobiography of a Geisha. Iwasaki Mineko wrote it herself because she felt much of what Golden wrote was sensationalism and lies. Have you read that one?
I'm sitting on a train, zooming through Illinois right now. I figure than I can write a bit now, then post it later.

Christmas in Walton was nice. This was probably our last Christmas with Grandma so just about everyone went home for the holiday. We had a great feast and some fun, although the peaceful terms between warring factions of my family were stretched...
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i'll be honest. your journal is just too long for me to read.
Switched profile pic today! Also added a couple of pics in "shows" folder. They are from the Winter X Games last year in Aspen, CO. I had so much fun at this one, I thought I would share!

I am back in Denver today and love being home. The last month in NY at my Grandmother's house has been hard, but pleasant too. I am glad to have the freedom and resources to be able to drop everything to go spend some time with her before she dies. She is such a woderful person. I will miss her so much.

Denver has been...
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It's been a while hasn't it?

Freaker's Ball was crazy. Thr drizzling rain killed half of the P.A. So everything was shut down for about three hours. I thought those kids were going to riot. Finally the sound guys got there shit together and Slipnot was able to go on.

I'm at home now and happy to be back. It looks like I won't be...
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awww frown frown frown
Sorry to hear about your gramma. Good luck with the move. I hope you'll still pop up here from time to time. What a crappy reason to have to move. blackeyed
Aww, that wasa really sweet comment in my journal, thanks! biggrin biggrin biggrin

Take care of yourself and your gramma too. I met a woman this year at Thanksgiving who reminded me of my gramdma. We talked about Italy and travelling and kitty cats...same thing my gramma liked. Grammas are so rad. smile
The first few days here have been pretty good. Our local crew has been great.

The night before last, we went with some of our crew to a place called The Asylum in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. I hear they have applesauce wrestling once a month. That sounds like fun! Anyway we had a good time.

Last night it started to rain and hasn't stopped....
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Francis and I made it to Washington D.C. today! Even though this show is a god show (christian evangelical crap engineered for the skateboarding punk? rock kids of America), setting up a show on the mall right in front of the capital is kind of cool. Our client likes to drink a lot so I can certainly see us going out on the piss at...
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Awesome. So are you on tour or do you just kinda go where you're needed? Either way. that's rad. If you do a show in Portland let me know. Peace, you are my new weirdo friend. smile
Our load out in Louisville was wet! It rained a lot the night before and make the infield became a pit of mud.

Back in St Louis for the night then on to Minniapolis, I would love to have a tiki drink at Pscho Suzy's Motor Lounge but alas, I will not have the time. I have to pick up some gear and jet right...
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Thanks for the comment. As you can see I love what I do. As for my car it should be running tomorrow my brother in-law is a service manager for the make of car I have so I should have a part soon.

Have a great trip.

It seems like so much has happened since my last update.

The Blues and Brews Festival wrapped up rather nicely. This was the first year in six that there wasn't any bad weather. That was very nice. What a boozin' week though.

Thet trip back to Denver was rough. I had to get a new water pump in Grand Junction. I took us a total...
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happy birthday
Thanks for the comment in my journal. I love your car, it's painfully beautiful. What's a "set carp"? And what's a "lateral scoop?"
You're interesting.
Telluride kicks ass! this little town is so beautiful! Today is the second day of the festival and also Digs birthday. It's been fun so far.

The house they put us stagehands in is incredible. It must have taken an entire forest to build it. I don't think my conscience would let me build a house like this, but it sure is cool to stay...
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This stagehand work sounds intriguing. I'd like to look into it some more and maybe/possibly get my feet wet.

I mean, currently, I don't know more than measure twice, cut once with carpentry; or know more than rudimentary electrical work (i.e. changing out power outlets) but I'm the sort who's willing to learn just about anything, I can count, spell and follow instructions. biggrin