It's been a while hasn't it?
Freaker's Ball was crazy. Thr drizzling rain killed half of the P.A. So everything was shut down for about three hours. I thought those kids were going to riot. Finally the sound guys got there shit together and Slipnot was able to go on.
I'm at home now and happy to be back. It looks like I won't be here long though.
My grandma was just diagnosed with cancer.
We are very close. I am going to New York to visit with her for a few months, maybe longer.
Right now, I'm packing up my house. I am putting my stuff into storage. Moving sucks.
Freaker's Ball was crazy. Thr drizzling rain killed half of the P.A. So everything was shut down for about three hours. I thought those kids were going to riot. Finally the sound guys got there shit together and Slipnot was able to go on.
I'm at home now and happy to be back. It looks like I won't be here long though.
My grandma was just diagnosed with cancer.

Right now, I'm packing up my house. I am putting my stuff into storage. Moving sucks.
Sorry to hear about your gramma. Good luck with the move. I hope you'll still pop up here from time to time. What a crappy reason to have to move.
Take care of yourself and your gramma too. I met a woman this year at Thanksgiving who reminded me of my gramdma. We talked about Italy and travelling and kitty cats...same thing my gramma liked. Grammas are so rad.