I had an absolutley awesome halloween night out with friends from work and since my mate gave me the option of crashing round at his place I took the oppourtunity rarely presented to me to get utterly wrecked as I didn't have to drive.
So I arrive at his place at about 4:15 pm and immeadiately set about the bottles of Smirnoff Black ice I brought round while we wait for the other guests to turn up. I've had two of these before we'd even gotten started and then it was a shots mixing drinking game that I lost twice and by lost I mean I had to drink two shots composed of two drinks of random peoples random choice.
That was swiftly followed by a barcadi and coke and then a glass of archers (which I hadn't tried before and didn't think much of) during which time we bobbed for apples in a washing up bowl and played a bizzare but fun game in which you pick up sweets with your teeth from a rapidly dimishing pile of flour. Lastly we played a version of pass the parcel where one person has to open teh parcel all tied up with string with a kinfe and fork while wearing a scarf, gloves and wooley hat. The other players pass around a die and try to roll a six, if they do they grab the aforementioned winter wear from your drunken form and continue thd opening/eating of the parcel.
Some how I was the last person to get in and ripped open the last layer of packing to find a twirl, yay for chocolate.
It sounds weak but it's brilliantly entertaining if you're all pissed.
After it was passably dark we got changed into our costumes and went out to the high street pubs.
Myself and three friends went "as" the Ghostbusters by which I mean taht we didn't copy the characters, just their style. We used painters overalls with logos taped on and home made prton packs constructed from carboard boxes, old rucksacks, bits of garden hose, pipe lagging, plastic pipes and that old standard of costume making, tinfoil.
Pictures will be forthcoming once I have procurred them from my firend.
Other people from work went as Gomez, Morticia and Fester (complete with mouth held lightbulb) from the Adams Family while two more attcahed generic satanic paraphanalia to their persoanges.
So we get into our local pub and we're the only people there (with the exception of the bar staff) that have even bothered.
We have a couple more drinks, shoot some pool whilst still wearing our proton packs just to make it fairer to the other players, nearly get into a couple of fights with people who clearly have no sense of humour and generally lark about getting our pictures taken by loads of random people with camera phones.
Later on we ship out to a night club across the road where they let us in with nary a word and we storm through this packed club to cheers and applause like we own the place right up to the bar where they proceed to give us free shots and a free drink beacuse once again we're the only patrons who seemed to have bothered dressing up.
Finally after an hour or of extremely drunken dancing and pissing people off with the packs (I was amazed that we didn't get into any serious fights) the bar staff gift us with a preoplery chilled bottle of champagne and a round of glasses completely on the house for best costumes.
It was one hell of a night and quite simply the best fun I've had in a long time, I'm hoping my friend will grant me the gift of his hospitality again soon.
So how went it for you this weekend past?

So I arrive at his place at about 4:15 pm and immeadiately set about the bottles of Smirnoff Black ice I brought round while we wait for the other guests to turn up. I've had two of these before we'd even gotten started and then it was a shots mixing drinking game that I lost twice and by lost I mean I had to drink two shots composed of two drinks of random peoples random choice.
That was swiftly followed by a barcadi and coke and then a glass of archers (which I hadn't tried before and didn't think much of) during which time we bobbed for apples in a washing up bowl and played a bizzare but fun game in which you pick up sweets with your teeth from a rapidly dimishing pile of flour. Lastly we played a version of pass the parcel where one person has to open teh parcel all tied up with string with a kinfe and fork while wearing a scarf, gloves and wooley hat. The other players pass around a die and try to roll a six, if they do they grab the aforementioned winter wear from your drunken form and continue thd opening/eating of the parcel.
Some how I was the last person to get in and ripped open the last layer of packing to find a twirl, yay for chocolate.

It sounds weak but it's brilliantly entertaining if you're all pissed.
After it was passably dark we got changed into our costumes and went out to the high street pubs.
Myself and three friends went "as" the Ghostbusters by which I mean taht we didn't copy the characters, just their style. We used painters overalls with logos taped on and home made prton packs constructed from carboard boxes, old rucksacks, bits of garden hose, pipe lagging, plastic pipes and that old standard of costume making, tinfoil.
Pictures will be forthcoming once I have procurred them from my firend.
Other people from work went as Gomez, Morticia and Fester (complete with mouth held lightbulb) from the Adams Family while two more attcahed generic satanic paraphanalia to their persoanges.
So we get into our local pub and we're the only people there (with the exception of the bar staff) that have even bothered.

We have a couple more drinks, shoot some pool whilst still wearing our proton packs just to make it fairer to the other players, nearly get into a couple of fights with people who clearly have no sense of humour and generally lark about getting our pictures taken by loads of random people with camera phones.
Later on we ship out to a night club across the road where they let us in with nary a word and we storm through this packed club to cheers and applause like we own the place right up to the bar where they proceed to give us free shots and a free drink beacuse once again we're the only patrons who seemed to have bothered dressing up.
Finally after an hour or of extremely drunken dancing and pissing people off with the packs (I was amazed that we didn't get into any serious fights) the bar staff gift us with a preoplery chilled bottle of champagne and a round of glasses completely on the house for best costumes.

It was one hell of a night and quite simply the best fun I've had in a long time, I'm hoping my friend will grant me the gift of his hospitality again soon.

So how went it for you this weekend past?
Still. 7 years is a bit extreme.