I'm such a gosh darned party animal.
Drove like a maniac (K's fault) to the party while poor ChimericalMe was trying to figure out what the fuck I was doing.
Get there late.
Get three drinks spilled. One was my direct fault... and Oryon's shoe's fault. Another was because my boyfriend's scared of me and the last one was a phantom spill. There were no drinks near me and suddenly some spilled on a dress. I don't get it either.
Tried to help some people who weren't having fun to perk up by dancing, but all that got accomplished in that was that my boobs jiggled.
And got home by 11:30
... -_-'
Side note, as I was driving home, I looked at the clock... "11:13?! I'm gonna miss XMen! Oh wait.. it's Saturday, it's not on. Thank god. I knew there was a reason that I could go to the party as long as it was on Saturday and not Friday..."
Stuzzy is geeky, too.
Who thinks I should get a good handmaiden (you know, Amidala's handmaidens?) costume and join the Rebel Legion?
Drove like a maniac (K's fault) to the party while poor ChimericalMe was trying to figure out what the fuck I was doing.
Get there late.
Get three drinks spilled. One was my direct fault... and Oryon's shoe's fault. Another was because my boyfriend's scared of me and the last one was a phantom spill. There were no drinks near me and suddenly some spilled on a dress. I don't get it either.
Tried to help some people who weren't having fun to perk up by dancing, but all that got accomplished in that was that my boobs jiggled.
And got home by 11:30
... -_-'
Side note, as I was driving home, I looked at the clock... "11:13?! I'm gonna miss XMen! Oh wait.. it's Saturday, it's not on. Thank god. I knew there was a reason that I could go to the party as long as it was on Saturday and not Friday..."
Stuzzy is geeky, too.
Who thinks I should get a good handmaiden (you know, Amidala's handmaidens?) costume and join the Rebel Legion?
Yeah, I'm a geek from way back. I can beat you at comic trivia