Tuesday Feb 22, 2005 Feb 22, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I just applied for a job at the CDC! Wish me luck! EDIT: I wrote a poem. Which is weird 'cause I hate poems. VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS stuzzy: Condi ain't gonna happen Feb 23, 2005 last_firstborn: I like it, and love the turtle at the bottom. Nice. CDC is great, I hope you get on there. My Mom worked there waaaay back in the day, she said it is very professional and the person talking about security up there is right lol. I got with Cognisa Security today! Yaaay. Feb 24, 2005
CDC is great, I hope you get on there. My Mom worked there waaaay back in the day, she said it is very professional and the person talking about security up there is right lol.
I got with Cognisa Security today! Yaaay.