My baby was locked into someone else's house from the ice.
So I didn't get to see him today. I stayed home and played with my cards and played a few card games with my mom.
I also am watching the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Nagoya. I'm such a geek. I thought they said that there was gonna be a constructed after the draft, but I guess not. Either way, I'm going to bed at ten.
Tomorrow, I have to go to work to get some extra training. That wouldn't bother me as much if I knew when it was going to end so I could make definate plans with Khryptic. If you guys learn anything about me, learn this: I hate indefinate plans. So, hopefully, it'll only be a few hours.
To Do List:
-Type up the dichotomous key and print it out.
-Print out lab manual.
-Write up some cheers for
And all that's gotta be done by Monday. And tomorrow I'm going to be buuuusy.
CNY party I get to stay out all night. w00t.
So now I'm just blabbering on about nothing so...
EDIT: So, Khryptic doesn't like corset piercings. And I really want one, but that's okay, we got pleeenty of time to figure out the corset thing.
But I wanna get something else pierced. What should I get?
Only rule: nothing on the lips. I play the french horn, and can't take off.
And I don't want anything normal, people. Get creative.

I also am watching the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Nagoya. I'm such a geek. I thought they said that there was gonna be a constructed after the draft, but I guess not. Either way, I'm going to bed at ten.
Tomorrow, I have to go to work to get some extra training. That wouldn't bother me as much if I knew when it was going to end so I could make definate plans with Khryptic. If you guys learn anything about me, learn this: I hate indefinate plans. So, hopefully, it'll only be a few hours.
To Do List:
-Type up the dichotomous key and print it out.
-Print out lab manual.
-Write up some cheers for
And all that's gotta be done by Monday. And tomorrow I'm going to be buuuusy.
CNY party I get to stay out all night. w00t.
So now I'm just blabbering on about nothing so...

EDIT: So, Khryptic doesn't like corset piercings. And I really want one, but that's okay, we got pleeenty of time to figure out the corset thing.
But I wanna get something else pierced. What should I get?
Only rule: nothing on the lips. I play the french horn, and can't take off.

And I don't want anything normal, people. Get creative.
whas CNY mean?
Chinese New Years party..