I'm such a geek. I'm making a Pheonix costume. You know... Jean Grey. From X-Men. Yeah, I'll post it when I get done. I'm also dying my hair red just for it... I'm a sad, sad, child.
More Blogs
Monday May 09, 2005
I have just discovered the geekest way to remember to spell "necessar… -
Sunday May 08, 2005
I'm such a gosh darned party animal. Drove like a maniac (K's faul… -
Saturday May 07, 2005
"A thread for posting in after you've got home still a bit over-refre… -
Thursday May 05, 2005
Check this out! If you drive by Champions Cards and Comics on East… -
Thursday Apr 28, 2005
1:56:57) Daynah: this is what happened in my psychology clas. I took … -
Sunday Apr 24, 2005
Aw fuck no... I was rewriting my lab notebook to make it all nice and… -
Saturday Apr 23, 2005
Okay, here's some rules. 1) I'm quite happily dating Khrypt1c righ… -
Friday Apr 22, 2005
I love my muffin. Anyone wanna do some work for me? Namely, find … -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
See HyperMediocrity. I'm doing what she did. I'm posting little th… -
Monday Apr 18, 2005
LIFE FUCKING ROCKS!! WebCT (what my school uses to take tests onl…