I feel like a puzzle missing a few peices. A few corners and maybe some in the middle. You can make out the picture but yet not quit shure what it is.... I'm not compleat. Far more then the looking for Mr. Wonderful. It's more of the fact that I don't know where I should be or what i shoudl be doing or whith WHO SOme of those questions I understand work them out in time But I just don't know why I am here now doing what ever the Hell I do everyday, but somehow the days pass by and here I am again If only l could find that other peice of this puzzle called ME!!! What do you do about the IF in LIFE!!! Wait? Wish? Wonder? What the Hell I'm talking about ok I will shut up for now but there will be more
I think it's interesting that IF eventually turns into FE which means Faith... Don't know if that means a lot...