Well the good news is that I got a new job. I found out one of my old friends from like 10-13 years ago now owns a restraunt and needed a cook. I am technically on a working interview now but my name is already on the schedule.
The even better news is that this place is more of a real fine dining restraunt so...
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The even better news is that this place is more of a real fine dining restraunt so...
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So about two weeks ago I was thinking maybe this single thing won't be so bad. I tried working hard at my job to get a raise and pretty much adopted a mindset that if has a vagina attached to it it will probably cause me drama. Things were going well, then it happened.
On wednesday my work closed it's doors forever without letting any...
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On wednesday my work closed it's doors forever without letting any...
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Wow. That's bullshit. I really hope things start to get better for you! 

The best way to describe the nose is to just say that you can't use photoshop in real lfe....
Do you have any legal recourse about your work ending so abruptly? I understand that unemployment is a great job....it just doesn't pay very weill.
Good luck my friend~
Do you have any legal recourse about your work ending so abruptly? I understand that unemployment is a great job....it just doesn't pay very weill.
Good luck my friend~
And they come crashing down!
Yeah in the spance of one week I had my new GF break up with me cause she just changed her mind, got in a fight with room mates so I had to move back to my parents, and had my dog die.
Boy that was a punch in the face!
Wow life is really full of bullshit!
I have...
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Yeah in the spance of one week I had my new GF break up with me cause she just changed her mind, got in a fight with room mates so I had to move back to my parents, and had my dog die.
Boy that was a punch in the face!
Wow life is really full of bullshit!
I have...
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Thanks for the blog comment! Obviously I'm on a soapbox, but the view's nice from up here.
*insert smiley emoticon here*
*insert smiley emoticon here*
Aww hun im sorry things didnt work out as planned but try not to look at it all as ending but as new beginnings and maybe the light will shine a bit brighter. what shop in Puyallup are you lookin at? theres a kick ass shop called Flaming Dragon in Univ. Place if your interested in checkin them out a lot of the guys are pretty young but very talented...
keep your chin up
keep your chin up

I don't know what the hell happened but ever since the new year started my life just keeps getting better.
Since the start of this year I met a new girl who is now my girlfriend. She is incredible and is probably the first person that I have ever met that told me that they wanted to be good for me. I have had nothing...
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Since the start of this year I met a new girl who is now my girlfriend. She is incredible and is probably the first person that I have ever met that told me that they wanted to be good for me. I have had nothing...
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awe yay!!
i'm so happy for you love!
i'm so happy for you love!

Sorry I had to disappear on all of you again for a while. Need less to say the holidays were extremely tough.
I had an extreme bout with depression around Xmas. I just kept sitting there thinking about how if me and my ex were still together I would have been proposing to her. I fell asleep drunk and crying on Xmas eve hoping that...
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I had an extreme bout with depression around Xmas. I just kept sitting there thinking about how if me and my ex were still together I would have been proposing to her. I fell asleep drunk and crying on Xmas eve hoping that...
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Keep yr head head up homie. Thing turn out for the best, and I can say for sure coke don't help.
It makes ya happy for the time though, which is dangerous...

It makes ya happy for the time though, which is dangerous...

Oh why does it seem that as soon as things start to get better they get worse?
I managed to sell the old subs I had in the trunk of my car for a couple of hundred bucks. I think yes this will be my answer to dealing with how my check ended up short for my bills. Uhh no not gonna happen.
The dude...
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I managed to sell the old subs I had in the trunk of my car for a couple of hundred bucks. I think yes this will be my answer to dealing with how my check ended up short for my bills. Uhh no not gonna happen.
The dude...
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money sucks.... I just made up a budget on the weekend... and realised that my expenses... (not including food and beer) and about $50 less than my income.
no wonder my credit cards fill up so fast....
good luck with the artistry stuff... I jealous... more for the having an oportunity to follow your interests than for teh nakedness but...
no wonder my credit cards fill up so fast....
good luck with the artistry stuff... I jealous... more for the having an oportunity to follow your interests than for teh nakedness but...

i think things seem to get worse as soon as you think they start getting better because... (deep breath)... in my findings, it seems like we've been down in the dumps so long that we can't bail ourselves out anymore. So when things start to go right, we look at it with a negative outlook. Then eventually, we start realizing (partially) that things are going ok. But before you know it, that depression, the ugly two faced son of a bitch that lives in your mind, creeps up and starts whispering the negativity back into you ears. It wants to keep you down and out, thats when it thrives. So it tries to make you think that all the good is "too good to be true". You start looking for negativity in the good, and that's when you know it has a chokehold on you. You've just got to tell it to shut the fuck up. Constantly. It's a tricky bastard.
Well it has been a while since I have updated this. Some things have changed some things have stayed the same. I am not sure if I am moving in the right direction but at least I know I am moving.
I now officially am living at the swamp house. Got most of my stuff here anyway but the rest can be moved here over...
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I now officially am living at the swamp house. Got most of my stuff here anyway but the rest can be moved here over...
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you're a sweetheart. 

yeah, it's not a bad movie. I just think they gloss over alot. Gretchen Mol doesn't do a bad job either

Well I have been busy being broke. Nothing hurts worse than having the bill collectors calling and no money to send them. Eventually things will pan out. I am just taking some time to be incognito from my financial responsibilities.
In other news I am working more these days because I am moving. As it turns out I got invited to move into one of...
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In other news I am working more these days because I am moving. As it turns out I got invited to move into one of...
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handmade stuff definately tops the list. 

Ouch, that sucks. Hope it gets better for you soon!
(If it helps, I'm not supposed to be having fun, I just am. I'm a rebel-fun-haver, if you will.)
(If it helps, I'm not supposed to be having fun, I just am. I'm a rebel-fun-haver, if you will.)
So today I had a really long fucking day at work. The prep cook has to work a double tommorrow so I figure I need to do as much shit as I can to make sure she is not screwed for the start of the weekend. I ended up cutting, popping apart, and breading over 120lbs of onions. It took me over 3 hours.
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I used to work at a restaurant where we used several gallons of mayonnaise at a time to make huge tubs of tartar sauce. So disgusting...I used to imagine being engulfed in the greasy stuff and dying a slow choking death.
You can never listen to Iron Maiden too loudly!
You can never listen to Iron Maiden too loudly!
So today I had a really long fucking day at work. The prep cook has to work a double tommorrow so I figure I need to do as much shit as I can to make sure she is not screwed for the start of the weekend. I ended up cutting, popping apart, and breading over 120lbs of onions. It took me over 3 hours.
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Sorry for the eariler blog post. Things with family just blew up in my face and I also had some back handed shit done to me by some peeps I thought were my friends. To add to everything I am starting to feel like the little bunny in the video. It seems like all of my friends are having random sex with people and...
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We all feel like that sometimes, but that isn't any comfort when you're feeling bad.
Drama between friends is always "interesting". I'm currently watching my friend get into a sort-of-not-really-almost relationship that I don't think will do them any good, but I've decided to stay out of it. I'll still be around to pick up the pieces.
I hope things ease up on you. Please don't think that bottles hold the answer.
On a lighter note, no idea about a tattoo... the face of an Indian chief? (I'm listening to RHCP, can you tell?)
Take care! xx
Drama between friends is always "interesting". I'm currently watching my friend get into a sort-of-not-really-almost relationship that I don't think will do them any good, but I've decided to stay out of it. I'll still be around to pick up the pieces.
I hope things ease up on you. Please don't think that bottles hold the answer.
On a lighter note, no idea about a tattoo... the face of an Indian chief? (I'm listening to RHCP, can you tell?)
Take care! xx
Why can't fucking people realize what they are giving me I can't handle?
Every day I feel like more salt is rubbed into my wounds and no one cares. Soon I hope they will all realize they are not helping me they are just making me not want to be here anymore. I don't want to see my brains on the concrete but that is...
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Every day I feel like more salt is rubbed into my wounds and no one cares. Soon I hope they will all realize they are not helping me they are just making me not want to be here anymore. I don't want to see my brains on the concrete but that is...
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Don't hate yourself for missing this girl. You shared your life with her, even though it didn't work out.