A few weeks ago, in the Hi, @BLOGHOMEWORK by @MISSY @RAMBO and @LYXZEN asked about your favorite fictional character.
Thing is, I have several. Counted in thousands.
I love to read, I started when I was little, with adult books, and young adult books (in that time not the cool YA we have today, mind you), I played a lot of videogames (SNES, N64, PsOne, Ps2, Ps3, PC, Gameboy Color, GB Advance, 3DS) and watch a lot TV (mostly anime and movies).
You can guess, I have an army of "favorite fictional character ever, forever"
Just recently I finished Sword of Truth, and Denna... If ever I want a dominatrix in my life, it was her. And I don't want a dominatrix, so you can figure out how much I loved that woman.
Picking a single one is next to impossible for me, and I discarded this blog homework because of that. But I recently saw a lot of people mention this one dude, and while I'm not fan of the show, per se, I love the character.
I love the Sheldon Cooper because he, and the actor, has Asperger Syndrome, and so do I. I was diagnose with a high scale in ASD a few years back, prior to that people just though I had issues making friends, or has some sort of anxiety/anger management problem.
At first it was a nightmare, because I always had this issues finding and maintaining friends, I was always unable to understand people, and as much as I tried something of myself always annoyed someone, sometimes someone I care about. I fake my facial expressions, my laughter and my body language, but you can keep that up all the time, and when I miss a "natural reaction" people would think I was being hypocrite or something like that. I felt isolated and I did't has many character in pop media that felt like a representation of how I feel. There was Spock, and I love him, and the actor that portrayed him, but he was Vulcan, he was cool for being weird, I was not.
Cue to Big Bang Theory.
Without intended to do so, they took a lot from Asperger and made a character out of it, thus, making Asperger cool, like they kind of did (if not alone) with geeks. Now people have a framework to understand me, sometimes, and while I'm not genius, as Sheldon is, I can finally watch a show and find a character that I can relate in some things that before could I have.
And, if only because of that, I mention him in this blog.