Well, it's the guys weekend again. Adrian is of course sleeping on the couch so there's not much to do. Woke up at 9:30 and laid around until Ben got up a little while later. He's playing Ragnarok Online and I'm using the laptop. Adrian's computer is on and downloading, so everything is going really slow. I swore I wasn't going to ask Ben to...
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Omg. I need one of those 79 cent chicken tacos from Del Taco. DAMN COMMERCIALS! I am so hungry right now..
My boyfriend picked me up two of the 79 cent chicken tacos last night and I hate to admit it but they kind of SUCKED.. omg. The chicken were all soggy and the sauce was like jizz and there wasn't enough CHEESE! Nice lettuce stuff, though.. har.
see? big fat chicken taco's all the way
Yesterday was a really good day for me. I had the house to myself and I was sort of "in the zone." Then Ben and Adrian got home, they were loud and obnoxious, they smelled. I couldn't help but be grumpy. I wanted the chance to relax, be held and kissed and loved. I really wanted to talk to Ben, tell him how my day...
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OMG! I just made the yummiest and easiest food stuffs. I only made a little and it filled me right up.. but I think I'm gunna eat more, haha! All I did was fix up a small amount of boxed mashed potatoes, defrosted peas & carrots, and cooked up ground meat. I combined it all together with some salt and pepper, garlic and onion powder,...
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H8 ROOMMATE! He is asleep on the couch and I can't watch my fave show. And if I ask him to move, he will either a) not do it, b) give me crap because it's his TV and "his apartment," c) just stay awake and treat me like shit the rest of the day. He is so godamn sensitive. I'd just actually like to do...
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Kunzi, where do you work nights at?

Silver Legacy - its me weekend though so I wont be there
[Edited on Feb 02, 2005 12:39AM]
[Edited on Feb 02, 2005 12:39AM]
Grr, I was woken up around ten this morning from the neighbors below our apartment. They were blasting some kind of music. Inconsiderate pricks. I'm so sick right now...I NEED SLEEP!
lol, I'm sorry for the wait, it's kinda good to be paranoid in regional groups though, there's some creeps out there
welcome to sgreno!
welcome to sgreno!
I uploaded pictures. I rock. LOVE ME

Hey you look really fucking familiar.
Where did you go to school? Haha sorry but I never forget a face and I can't figure out if I have seen you somewhere or if maybe you look like someone famous....I don't know.
p.s when you respond to someones comment do it in there journal so they see it.

p.s when you respond to someones comment do it in there journal so they see it.

emylou, I had the same thought when I saw her, almost like deja vu or something
Hi. I'm in Reno. I'm bored and lonely.
Oh and post your response to someone in their journal so they actually see it.

hate that place